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      1. 在教义中使用列值作为数组索引


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                  我正在使用学说 2.1 为 settings 表创建模型:

                  I am using doctrine 2.1 in order to create a model for settings table:

                  id |  arg  |  value  |  category
                  1  |  name |  foo    |  general_settings 
                  2  |  desc |  bar    |  general_settings 


                  Suppose that I have a lot of setting for different categories. In order to get all the setting for a specific category I do something like this:

                  $q = Doctrine_Query::create()
                      ->from('Setting p')
                      ->where('p.category = ?', $category_name);

                  此时一切正常.嗯.. 64,000 美元的问题是:是否存在允许我读取如下结果的数据访问替代方案?

                  Everything works fine at this point. Well.. the question of $64,000 is: Do exist a data access alternative that allow me to read the result as below?

                  $resultSet = $q->execute(); 
                  //the magic here could be use the -arg- column as index
                  $requested_setting = $resulSet['name']  
                  //print the setting value
                  echo $requested_setting['value'];  //should prints "foo"
                  //another way
                  echo $resulSet['desc']['value']; //should prints "bar"


                  我明白了:这里的窍门是使用 INDEX BY 字.

                  I got it: the trick here is use the INDEX BY word.


                  import the Query class (no always optional):

                  use DoctrineORMQuery;


                  $query = $this->data->em->createQuery('
                      SELECT s 
                      FROM modelsSetting s 
                      INDEX BY s.arg //to set array custom key
                      WHERE s.category = :category');
                  $query->setParameter('category', 'general');


                  set the hidration mode in order to work with read-only arrays

                  $settings = $query->getResult(Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY); 


                  echo $settings['desc']['value'];  // prints "bar"


                  使用 QueryBuilder 对象,您可以在 from 语句中设置索引:


                  With the QueryBuilder object you can set the index at the from statement:

                  $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
                  $qb->from('modelsSettings', 's', 's.arg');  // here the magic
                  $result = $qb->getQuery()->getResult();


                  Then, you can access the object as:

                  $description = $result['desc'];
                  $value = $description->getValue();


                  上一篇:Doctrine 2 DQL - 选择多对多字段为空的行? 下一篇:Doctrine 2 WHERE IN 子句使用实体集合


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