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        PHP 允许的内存大小

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                  本文介绍了PHP 允许的内存大小的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  我有一个在付费 VPS 上运行的网络应用.那里没问题.我正在将此应用程序移至我自己的专用服务器.

                  I have a web-app running on a paid VPS. No problem there. I'm moving this app to my own dedicated server.

                  当前云服务器-CS-:Centos 6 x86_64;2 Gb 内存;2个虚拟CPU

                  Current Cloud Server -CS-: Centos 6 x86_64; 2 Gb Ram; 2 vCPU

                  专用服务器上的虚拟:Centos 7 x86_64;2 Gb 内存;2个虚拟CPU

                  Virtual on Dedicated Server: Centos 7 x86_64; 2 Gb Ram; 2 vCPU

                  我部署了具有相同规格的 PC,因为如果它可以正常工作,它应该也可以工作".

                  I deployed the PC with the same specs because "if it works okay with that it should work with the same".

                  在 API 的端点上,当前 CS 返回正确的 json.新服务器返回:

                  On a API's endpoint the current CS returns the correct json. The new Server returns:


                  第 439 行是:

                  call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_result'), $parameters);

                  我在这里和那里找到的搜索结果都没有帮助.有人说升级 PHP 版本,其中 90% 设置了更大的内存限制.**我做到了**.我将它设置为 256M、512M、2GB(除此之外没有可用的内存)、4GB 和 5GB.** 纳达**

                  The search results I found here and there were not helpful. Some said upgrade PHP version and 90% of them is set a larger memory limit. ** I did**. I set it to 256M, 512M, 2GB (beyond this there is no ram available), 4GB and 5GB. ** Nada**


                  This query works ok on the other -and production- server.


                  Server: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.1e-fips mod_fcgid/2.3.9        
                  PHP/5.4.16 mod_wsgi/3.4 Python/2.7.5 
                  X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.16


                   Server: Apache 
                   X-Powered-By: PHP/5.5.22

                  我查看正在查询的 base64 的 LENGTH.它们是发送的 2 张图像数据.这个大小由mysql返回:

                  I look at the LENGTH of the base64 being queried. They're 2 images data sent. This size is returned by mysql:

                  select LENGTH(image_base64) from pmv where pmv.model = 1;

                  这就是查询.它返回 2 行.Image_base64 是 LONGTEXT.还有其他一些列,但不会增加问题.

                  That is the query. It returns 2 row. Image_base64 is LONGTEXT. There are some others columns but it won't add to the issue.


                  显然不接近 4Gb

                  我无法在 CS 上访问 php/apache conf.我唯一没有尝试过的是将 PHP 从 5.4 升级到 5.5.可以吗?我会尝试在周末访问服务器以尝试任何其他想法.

                  I can't access php/apache conf on the CS. The only thing I didn't try yet is upgrading PHP from 5.4 to 5.5. Could be it? I'll try to get access to the server on weekend to try out any other ideas.


                  我将 PHP 版本更新为 5.6.9.

                  I update the PHP Version to 5.6.9.


                  <b>Fatal error</b>:  Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4294967296 bytes) in <b>/var/www/api/Components/Database.php</b> on line <b>439</b><br />


                  将列类型从 longtext 更改为 mediumtext 似乎在 这个问题

                  Changing the column type from longtext to mediumtext seems to work as in this question

                  但是为什么我需要更改此服务器上的列类型呢?据我现在可以测试,无论该列上存储了多少信息.只要它是一个longtext col,它就会给出错误.

                  But why on earth I need to change the column type on this server? As far I can test now, no matter how much info is stored on that column. It will give the error as long as it's a longtext col.



                  4294967296 字节听起来确实很多.你肯定在某个地方有内存泄漏.

                  4294967296 bytes sounds like really a lot. You surely have a memory leak somewhere.

                  你应该读一下 :

                  人,通过 ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); 改变 memory_limit根本不是解决方案.

                  People, changing the memory_limit by ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); is NOT a solution at all.

                  请不要那样做.显然 php 在某处有内存泄漏,你告诉服务器只使用它想要的所有内存.问题根本没有解决

                  Please don't do that. Obviously php has a memory leak somewhere and you are telling the server to just use all the memory that it wants. The problem has not been fixed at all



                  这是 ext/mysqli 在使用 libmysql(总是在 5.2 和更早版本中)以及使用 5.3 启用 libmysql 时的已知限制.原因是服务器发送的关于该列的元数据不太具体.此长文本的最大长度为 4G,ext/mysqli 尝试使用最大长度进行绑定,以确保不会发生数据丢失(数据不适合 C 级别的绑定缓冲区).

                  This is a known limitation of ext/mysqli when using libmysql (always in 5.2 and previous) and when libmysql is enabled with 5.3 . The reason is that the server sends not too specific metadata about the column. This longtext has a max length of 4G and ext/mysqli tries to bind with the max length, to be sure no data loss occurs (data doesn't fit in the bind buffer on C level).

                  所以要解决这个问题,你有 4 个解决方案:

                  So to fix that, you have 4 solutions :

                  • 您可以使用 textmediumtext 代替 longbloblongtext 以使用更少的内存
                  • 您可以使用 PDO 连接器代替 mysqli,但我不知道在 SaskPhp 中实现它是否容易
                  • 你可以使用mysqli_stmt_store_result()来存储你本地数据,这也会增加您的内存使用量,但实际上更少,因为它与缓冲区大小共享.
                  • 您可以将 PHP 升级到高于 5.3 的版本.
                  • You can use a text or mediumtext instead of a longblob or longtext to use less memory
                  • You can use PDO connector instead of mysqli but I don't know if it's a easy thing to implement in SaskPhp
                  • You can use mysqli_stmt_store_result() to store you data locally, which will also increase your memory usage but really less since it's shared with the buffer size.
                  • You can upgrade your PHP with a version superior to 5.3.


                  Personally, I would go for the fourth one since having an recent version generally bring you many more advantages if it doesn't oblige you to refactor significant parts of your code.

                  这篇关于PHP 允许的内存大小的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:使用 local_infile 的 MariaDB 版本不允许使用的命令 下一篇:编码/转义 JSON 控制字符


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