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                  使用 Symfony 2.7,我正在尝试创建一个用户注册表单.我为此使用了 Symfony 自己的指南,并呈现了表单并且可填充.

                  Using Symfony 2.7, I am trying to create a user registration form. I've used Symfony's own guide for this, and the form is rendered and fillable.


                  When I fill in the form, and press "Register", I get the following error.

                  Unable to find the object manager associated with an entity of class "UserBundleModelsUser"

                  这是在 vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bridge/Doctrine/Validator/Constraints/UniqueEntityValidator.php 第 75 行的以下条件下触发的

                  $em = $this->registry->getManagerForClass(get_class($entity));
                          if (!$em) {
                              throw new ConstraintDefinitionException(sprintf('Unable to find the object manager associated with an entity of class "%s".', get_class($entity)));

                  在我的 UserController 的 createAction 中,实体管理器由 $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); 按照 Symfony Cookbook 中的说明获取.

                  In the createAction in my UserController, the Entity Manager is fetched by $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); as per the instructions in the Symfony Cookbook.


                  I can't find out what's going here. Any help appreciated!


                  Also, please let me know if there is some information missing that I should have provided.


                  我认为除非您在配置中专门映射一个目录,否则学说将在 YourBundle/Entity 中查找 - 这是您的 User.php 示例与食谱食谱.

                  I think unless you specifically map a directory in your config, doctrine is going to look in YourBundle/Entity - this is where your User.php example diverges from the cookbook recipe.

                  如果你想改变它,你需要根据 文档

                  If you want to change this you'll need to specify it explicitly as per the documentation

                  或者只是将您的用户模型转移到 Entity 而不是 Models,我认为它会没问题.

                  Alternatively just shift your User model to Entity instead of Models and I think it'll be OK.


                  上一篇:如何使用 symfony 在管理面板中对自己的列进行排序? 下一篇:Symfony Doctrine 找不到要加载的装置


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