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                  我正在使用从 android java 应用程序发送的字符串在 php 中编写查询.

                  I am writing a query in php using a string sent from a android java application.
                  The query is something like :

                  $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO app_DuckTag (taste) VALUES (%s) WHERE species=%s AND timestamp=%s",
                                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['taste'], "text"),
                                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['species'], "text"),
                                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['timestamp'], "text"));

                  但我怀疑时间戳是否在 MySQL 中存储为字符串.
                  我应该如何将字符串转换为 MySQL 中的时间格式?
                  strtotime(string) php 函数将其转换为unix 时间.
                  但我猜 MySQL 以不同的方式存储它.谢谢.

                  But I doubt timestamp is stored as a string inside MySQL.
                  How should I convert the string to time format as in MySQL?
                  The strtotime(string) php function converts it to unix time.
                  But the MySQL stores it differently, I guess. Thank you.

                  这就是它在 MySQL phpmyadmin 中的显示方式:2011-08-16 17:10:45

                  This is how it shows up in MySQL phpmyadmin: 2011-08-16 17:10:45

                  我的查询是错误的.Cannon 使用带有 Insert into 的 where 子句.
                  查询必须是 UPDATE .... SET ... = ... WHERE ....
                  但公认的答案是在 WHERE 子句中使用时间的正确方法.

                  My query is wrong though. Cannon use a where clause with Insert into.
                  The query has to be UPDATE .... SET ... = ... WHERE ....
                  But the accepted answer is the correct way to use the time inside the WHERE clause.



                  date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($_POST['timestamp']));

                  如果你想检查时区等你应该使用 strftime 而不是 date

                  if you want to check for timezones and such you should use strftime instead of date


                  上一篇:日期时间到时间戳 下一篇:没有了


                  1. <i id='XMunf'><tr id='XMunf'><dt id='XMunf'><q id='XMunf'><span id='XMunf'><b id='XMunf'><form id='XMunf'><ins id='XMunf'></ins><ul id='XMunf'></ul><sub id='XMunf'></sub></form><legend id='XMunf'></legend><bdo id='XMunf'><pre id='XMunf'><center id='XMunf'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='XMunf'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='XMunf'><tfoot id='XMunf'></tfoot><dl id='XMunf'><fieldset id='XMunf'></fieldset></dl></div>
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