I am adding the current date and time to my database using the following code:
$current_date_time = time();
echo date('n/j/y g:ia',$current_date_time);
它显示为 11/29/09 12:38am,而它应该是 11/29/09 11:38am
It shows up as 11/29/09 12:38am when it should be 11/29/09 11:38am
The time is ahead by one hour. I am in the Pacific time zone and my hosting provider is in Utah, the Mountain Time Zone. Could this be the reason why it is ahead by one hour?
How do I solve this problem? Do I need to remove an hour from the time? If so, how do I do that? Or is there some sort of other way to account for time zone differences so it shows up in Pacific Time Zone time?
您可以通过在 PHP 脚本中明确设置时区来解决它.您可以使用 date_default_timezone_set()
You solve it by setting the timezone explicitly in your PHP scripts. You can do this with date_default_timezone_set()
这里是PHP 支持的时区列表.
您可能还想尝试调用 的测试脚本date_default_timezone_get()
You may also want to try a test script calling date_default_timezone_get()
to see what it's actually set to to verify that this is in fact the problem.
这篇关于为什么我的 time() 在 php 中减少了一小时?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!