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    1. 如何让 XAMPP 在本地使用 php 的 mail() 函数,这样我就可以在本地测试我的 mail() 脚本而无需上传

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                本文介绍了如何让 XAMPP 在本地使用 php 的 mail() 函数,这样我就可以在本地测试我的 mail() 脚本而无需上传到我的服务器?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我目前正在使用 XAMPP 和 Thunderbird 3,并希望设置我的本地服务器以将邮件发送到 gmail/hotmail/(anymail) 等电子邮件,以便我可以测试使用 mail() 函数的 php 脚本.这将节省一些时间,因为它会绕过每次进行细微更改时繁琐地保存和上传 php 文件的步骤.

                I am currently using XAMPP and Thunderbird 3 and wish to set up my local server to send mail to e-mails like gmail/hotmail/(anymail) so I can test out my php scripts that are using the mail() function. It would save some time as it would bypass the step of tediously saving and uploading the php file every time a minor change is made.


                Things I have done but have not worked: (through various existing tutorials online)

                1. 已安装 XAMPP(已成功安装,因为我已经将它用于我的其他工作)
                2. 为 XAMPP 安装 Mercury
                3. 在水星中


                a. click on Configuration -> Manage Local Users
                b. Create New User


                          Username: **root**
                          Password: **root**
                c. click on Configuration -> Mercury SMTP
                d. make the following changes


                          IP Interface to use: ****
                          Listen to TCP/IP port: **25**
                          Announce Myself as: ****
                e. click on Configuration -> Mercury POP 3
                f. make the following changes


                          Listen to TCP port: **110**
                          IP Interface to use: ****
                g. click on Configuration -> MercuryE SMTP client Configuration
                h. make the following changes


                          Identify Myself as: ****
                          Name server: ****
                i. click on Configuration -> Mercury D pop3 client
                j. make the following changes


                          POP3 Host: ****
                          Username: **root**
                          Password: **root**

                4.安装雷鸟 35. 在雷鸟中

                4. Installed Thunderbird 3 5. In Thunderbird

                a. click on Tools -> Account Settings
                b. In Account Settings


                    i. click on Account Actions -> Add Mail Account
                    ii. In Add Mail Account


                        Your name: **root**
                        Email address: **root@localhost.com**
                        Password: **root**
                    iii. click next
                    vi. under Editing Config set as following


                        Username: **root**
                        Incoming:   POP/IMAP
                        Outgoing:   SMTP
                    v. click Create Account
                c. send test mail to myself (this part doesn't work for me, it says mail sent successfully but when I check inbox in Thunderbird, there is no mail.)

                4.测试 PHP mail() 脚本(我还没有到这一步,因为我还没有能够成功设置本地邮件服务器.)

                4. Test PHP mail() script (I haven't gotten to this step yet as I have not yet been able to successfully set up a local mail server.)



                These helped me out when I was having trouble.



                可以从 Xampp 控制面板激活 Mercury.

                Mercury can be activated from the Xampp control panel.

                这篇关于如何让 XAMPP 在本地使用 php 的 mail() 函数,这样我就可以在本地测试我的 mail() 脚本而无需上传到我的服务器?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:“错误 1067:进程意外终止"尝试启动 MySQL 时 下一篇:PHP session_start 失败


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