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        有人可以向我解释 PHP 中的 pack() 函数吗?

        • <bdo id='nL0rz'></bdo><ul id='nL0rz'></ul>

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                2. 本文介绍了有人可以向我解释 PHP 中的 pack() 函数吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我想了解更多关于 PHP 中的 pack() 函数:https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pack.php

                  I would like to know more about the pack() function in PHP: https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pack.php

                  我知道它将数据打包成二进制文件,但我不确定所有这些 v V n N c C 是什么意思,我想知道是否有人可以给我一个实用的演示何时使用哪些格式?

                  I know it packs data into binary, but I'm not sure what all those v V n N c C mean and I was wondering if someone could be so kind as to give me a practical demonstration when to use which formats?


                  The online documentation, for a change, lacks of information, in my opinion.



                  Those represent how you want the data you are packing to be represented in binary format:


                  $bin = pack("v", 1);=>0000000000000001(16位)


                  $bin = pack("V", 1) =>000000000000000000000000000000001(32位)

                  它告诉 pack 你希望二进制数据中的数据如何表示.下面的代码将证明这一点.请注意,您可以使用不同的解包根据您打包数据的格式.

                  It tells pack how you want the data represented in the binary data. The code below will demonstrate this. Note that you can unpack with a different format from what you packed the data as.

                  $bin = pack("S", 65535);
                  $ray = unpack("S", $bin);
                  echo "UNSIGNED SHORT VAL = ", $ray[1], "
                  $bin = pack("S", 65536);
                  $ray = unpack("S", $bin);
                  echo "OVERFLOW USHORT VAL = ", $ray[1], "
                  $bin = pack("V", 65536);
                  $ray = unpack("V", $bin);
                  echo "SAME AS ABOVE BUT WITH ULONG VAL = ", $ray[1], "

                  这篇关于有人可以向我解释 PHP 中的 pack() 函数吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:将 PHP 文件转换为二进制文件 下一篇:在 php 中附加一个 png pHYs 块


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