我有一个 header.php
文件,其中包含一个 .css
I have a header.php
file which contains a .css
file link.
当我将 header.php
包含"到不同文件夹中的另一个 php 文件中时,该 header.php
的 .css
href 是对于新的 php 文件不正确.
When I "include" header.php
into another php file in different folder, the .css
href for that header.php
is not correct for the new php file.
我应该如何在我的 .css
文件中声明 href
以包含适用于任何文件夹的 header.php
How should I declare the href
in my .css
file to include the header.php
with it that will be correct for any folder that php file is in?
这是许多大型应用程序在安装时尝试设置根 URI"常量/变量的原因.
This is a reason many large applications will try to set a 'root URI' constant/variable when installing.
While /css/style.css
will work if your application is located in the root directory of the domain/subdomain, it will fail if it isn't (/appName/css/style.css
将绝对 URI 与其他配置常量/变量一起存储到根"脚本文件夹,构建绝对链接变得轻而易举.
Store the absolute URI to the 'root' script folder along with other configuration constants/variables, and building absolute links becomes a breeze.
define( 'SCRIPT_ROOT', 'http://localhost/yourApplication' );
// ...
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.SCRIPT_ROOT.'/css/style.css">';
这篇关于如何对包含的文件(例如 .css)使用相对路径的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!