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        具有某些约束的 Eloquent 嵌套关系


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                • 本文介绍了具有某些约束的 Eloquent 嵌套关系的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  | id | name |
                  | id | A_id | name |
                  | id | B_id | name |

                  所以,表C中的数据属于表B中的数据,而表A中的数据属于表A中的数据.现在,我想查询 C,同时还从 BA 检索数据,下面的代码就可以了.

                  So, the data in table C belongs to the data in table B which belongs to the data in table A. Now, I want to query C, while also retrieving data from B and A and the following code does the trick just fine.


                  现在的问题是,我想用一些约束查询 C.这些约束之一是 Aid.我尝试了以下方法:

                  The problem now, is that I want to query C with some constraints. One of these constraints is the id of A. I've tried the following:

                  C::with(array('B.A' => function ($query)
                      $query->where('id', '=', $constraint);

                  但似乎 Eloquent 将检索 C 中的所有行,甚至不考虑约束,除非它执行查询以检索表 A 中的数据.我该如何解决这个问题?我是否需要在 C 中添加另一个字段,即 A_id,并将 $constraint 与该字段匹配?

                  But it seems that Eloquent will retrieve all the rows in C without even taking the constraint into account, except when it's executing the query to retrieve data in table A. How do I get around this problem? Do I need to add another field in C, that is A_id, and match $constraint against that field?


                  您将 with() 方法与 SQL 的 JOIN 方法混淆了,这种情况经常发生.

                  You are confusing the with() method with SQL's JOIN and that happens a lot.

                  当你使用 Foo::with('bar')->where_something(1) 时,Laravel 将首先加载 Foo,然后,基于 Foo.bar_id,它会加载Bar.它的目的是告诉 Laravel 在组合查询中预先加载模型的依赖项,从而大大提高这些模型的迭代性能.

                  When you use Foo::with('bar')->where_something(1), Laravel will first load the Foo and then, based on Foo.bar_id, it will load the Bar. It serves the purpose of telling Laravel to eager load dependencies of your model on a combined query, greatly improving performance of iterations on those models.


                  If you don't use it, the following queries should be executed:

                  SELECT * FROM foos WHERE foos.something = 1;
                  SELECT * FROM bars WHERE bars.id = 30;
                  SELECT * FROM bars WHERE bars.id = 57;
                  SELECT * FROM bars WHERE bars.id = 134;
                  SELECT * FROM bars WHERE bars.id = 1096;


                  If you use it, on the other hand:

                  SELECT * FROM foos WHERE foos.something = 1;
                  SELECT * FROM bars WHERE bars.id IN (30, 57, 134, 1096); // Eager loading

                  当您向该 with() 添加条件时,您只是限制了这些依赖项的即时加载,而不是第一个查询.

                  When you add a condition to that with(), you are only constraining the eager loading of those dependencies, and not the first query.

                  要实现你想要的,你需要使用 ->join().

                  To achieve what you want, you'll need to use ->join().

                  C::with(array('b', 'b.a'))
                   ->join('b', 'b.id', '=', 'c.b_id')
                   ->join('a', 'a.id', '=', 'b.a_id')
                   ->where('a.id', '=', $ID)

                  我已经包含了 with(),因为我不知道您是否需要访问 $c->b->a.如果不这样做,而您只需要 $c 数据,则可以删除 with(),因为它会不必要地查询 B 和 A.

                  I've included the with(), because I didn't know if you would need to access $c->b->a. If you don't, and you just need $c data, you can remove the with() since it will query for B's and A's unnecessarily.

                  这篇关于具有某些约束的 Eloquent 嵌套关系的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何在 laravel 4 中自动加载“库"? 下一篇:Laravel 多对多加载相关模型与计数


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