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        Laravel - 对所有路线使用 (:any?) 通配符?


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                  本文介绍了Laravel - 对所有路线使用 (:any?) 通配符?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  我正在开发 CMS,我需要两条主要路线./admin/(:any).admin 控制器用于路由 /admin,而 view 控制器应该用于除 /admin.从 view 控制器,然后我将解析 url 并显示正确的内容.

                  I'm working on a CMS, and I need two primary routes. /admin and /(:any). The admin controller is used for the route /admin, and the view controller should be used for anything else than /admin. From the view controller, I will then parse the url and show the correct content.


                  Route::get(array('admin', 'admin/dashboard'), array('as' => 'admin', 'uses' =>'admin.dashboard@index'));
                  Route::any('(:any)', 'view@index');

                  第一条路线有效,但第二条路线无效.我玩了一下,似乎如果我使用不带问号的 (:any),它只有在 / 后面放一些东西才有效.如果我把问号放在那里,它根本不起作用.

                  The first route works, but the second one doesn't. I played around with it a little bit, and it seems if I use (:any) without the question mark, it only works if I put something after /. If i do put the question mark there, it doesn't work at all.

                  我希望以下所有路线都转到 view@index:

                  I want all of the following routes to go to view@index:


                  如果不硬编码一堆 (:any?)/(:any?)/(:any?)/(:any?) (我什至不知道有效),这是否可能)?

                  Is this possible without hardcoding a bunch of (:any?)/(:any?)/(:any?)/(:any?) (which I don't even know works)?



                  自 Laravel 4 发布以来,关于这个话题一直存在一些混淆,这个答案是针对 Laravel 3 的.

                  There has been some confusion since the release of Laravel 4 regarding this topic, this answer was targeting Laravel 3.


                  There are a few ways to approach this.


                  Route::any('(:any)/(:all?)', function($first, $rest=''){
                      $page = $rest ? "{$first}/{$rest}" : $first;

                  不是最好的解决方案,因为它被分解为多个参数,并且由于某种原因 (:all) 无法自行工作(错误?)

                  Not the best solution because it gets broken into multiple parameters, and for some reason (:all) doesn't work by itself (bug?)


                  The second solution is to use a regular expression, this is a better way then above in my opinion.

                  Route::any( '(.*)', function( $page ){

                  还有一种方法,即使路由可能匹配其他模式,也可以让您检查是否有 cms 页面,前提是这些路由返回 404.此方法修改 routes.php 中定义的事件侦听器:

                  There is one more method, which would let you check if there are cms pages even when the route may have matched other patterns, provided those routes returned a 404. This method modifies the event listener defined in routes.php:

                  Event::listen('404', function() {
                      $page = URI::current();
                      // custom logic, else
                      return Response::error('404');

                  但是,我的首选方法是 #2.我希望这有帮助.不管你做什么,确保你在这些之上定义了所有其他路由,捕获所有路由,之后定义的任何路由都不会触发.

                  However, my preferred method is #2. I hope this helps. Whatever you do, make sure you define all your other routes above these catch all routes, any routes defined after will never trigger.

                  这篇关于Laravel - 对所有路线使用 (:any?) 通配符?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

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