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      3. Windows机器上的PHP;在后台启动进程

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                  我正在寻找最好的方法,或者任何真正在后台从 php 启动进程的方法,以便稍后在脚本中终止它.

                  I'm looking for the best, or any way really to start a process from php in the background so I can kill it later in the script.


                  Right now, I'm using: shell_exec($Command); The problem with this is it waits for the program to close.

                  我想要在执行 shell 命令时与 nohup 具有相同效果的东西.这将允许我在后台运行该进程,以便稍后在脚本中将其关闭.我需要关闭它,因为这个脚本会定期运行,运行时程序无法打开.

                  I want something that will have the same effect as nohup when I execute the shell command. This will allow me to run the process in the background, so that later in the script it can be closed. I need to close it because this script will run on a regular basis and the program can't be open when this runs.

                  我曾想过生成一个 .bat 文件以在后台运行命令,但即便如此,我以后如何终止该进程?

                  I've thought of generating a .bat file to run the command in the background, but even then, how do I kill the process later?


                  The code I've seen for linux is:

                  $PID = shell_exec("nohup $Command > /dev/null & echo $!");
                  // Later on to kill it
                  exec("kill -KILL $PID");


                  EDIT: Turns out I don't need to kill the process


                  请问这个PHP 手册中的函数 帮助?

                  function runAsynchronously($path,$arguments) {
                      $WshShell = new COM("WScript.Shell");
                      $oShellLink = $WshShell->CreateShortcut("temp.lnk");
                      $oShellLink->TargetPath = $path;
                      $oShellLink->Arguments = $arguments;
                      $oShellLink->WorkingDirectory = dirname($path);
                      $oShellLink->WindowStyle = 1;
                      $oExec = $WshShell->Run("temp.lnk", 7, false);


                  上一篇:如何在后台使用 PHPMailer 发送电子邮件? 下一篇:PHP - 长时间运行的后台任务


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