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                • 本文介绍了如何在yii2中进行Json编码?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  尝试对 json 进行编码并在 yii2 中接收 400: Bad Request.我正在尝试在 Rest 客户端中编码,但无法正常工作.

                  Attempting to encode json and receive 400: Bad Request in yii2. I am trying to encode in Rest client but it is not working properly.

                      namespace appcontrollers;
                      use Yii;
                      use yiifiltersAccessControl;
                      use yiiwebController;
                      use yiifiltersVerbFilter;
                      use appmodelsTblUserRegistration;
                      class UserController extends Controller
                          public function actionRegister()
                              $model = new TblUserRegistration();
                              $username = $_POST['username'];
                              echo json_encode($username);




                  解决方案 1: 如果您的控制器的所有操作都将传递 json,您也可以考虑扩展 yii estController 而不是 yiiwebController :

                  Solution 1: In case if all your controller's actions will deliver json you may also consider extanding yii estController instead of yiiwebController :

                  namespace appcontrollers;
                  use Yii;
                  class UserController extends yii
                      public function actionRegister()
                          $username = Yii::$app->request->post('username');
                          return $username;

                  注意:您也可以使用 ActiveController它扩展了 yii estController(参见 rest docs) 如果你需要处理 CRUD 操作.

                  NOTE: you may also use ActiveController which extends yii estController (see rest docs) if you need to handle CRUD operations.

                  解决方案 2: 扩展 yiiwebController 是通过使用 yiifilters内容协商器.请注意,此处将 $enableCsrfValidation 设置为 false 可能是强制性的,因为它的 相关文档 :

                  Solution 2: A different approach when extending yiiwebController is by using yiifiltersContentNegotiator. Note that setting $enableCsrfValidation to false may be mandatory here as it is explained in its related docs :

                  是否启用 CSRF(跨站点请求伪造)验证.默认为真.当启用 CSRF 验证时,表单提交到Yii Web 应用程序必须源自同一个应用程序.否则,将引发 400 HTTP 异常.

                  Whether to enable CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) validation. Defaults to true. When CSRF validation is enabled, forms submitted to an Yii Web application must be originated from the same application. If not, a 400 HTTP exception will be raised.

                  注意,此功能需要用户客户端接受cookie.还,要使用此功能,通过 POST 方法提交的表单必须包含一个名称由 $csrfParam 指定的隐藏输入.您可以使用yiihelpersHtml::beginForm() 生成他的隐藏输入.

                  Note, this feature requires that the user client accepts cookie. Also, to use this feature, forms submitted via POST method must contain a hidden input whose name is specified by $csrfParam. You may use yiihelpersHtml::beginForm() to generate his hidden input.


                  The above code may be rewritten this way :

                  namespace appcontrollers;
                  use Yii;
                  use yiiwebController;
                  use yiifiltersContentNegotiator;
                  use yiiwebResponse;
                  class UserController extends Controller
                      public $enableCsrfValidation = false;
                      public function behaviors()
                          return [
                              'contentNegotiator' => [
                                  'class' => ContentNegotiator::className(),
                                  'formats' => [
                                      'application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON,
                                  'only' => ['register'],
                      public function actionRegister()
                          $username = Yii::$app->request->post('username');
                          return $username;


                  上一篇:Heroku 部署失败:[远程拒绝] master ->主(预接收钩拒绝):错误:未能推送一些参考 下一篇:Yii2 全日历事件过滤不起作用


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