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        ActiveRecord 批量插入 (yii2)

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                  本文介绍了ActiveRecord 批量插入 (yii2)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  是否可以使用 Yii 的 ActiveRecord 在一个查询中插入多行?或者这只能通过较低级别的 DAO 对象实现?

                  Is it possible to insert multiple rows in one query with Yii's ActiveRecord? Or is this only possible via the lower-level DAO objects?

                  我有两个模型1- 交易2-TransactionItems

                  I have two models 1- Transaction 2-TransactionItems


                  There are multiple rows(onclick add row) in transaction Items.


                  I want to store multiple rows of transactionitems in the database.



                  你可以使用yiidbCommandbatchInsert()方法.查看详情这里.与 ActiveRecord 一起使用时,请确保在插入前验证所有数据.

                  You can use batchInsert() method of yiidbCommand. See details here. When using it with ActiveRecord make sure validate all data before inserting.

                  假设您有一组带有 Post 类的 $models,可以这样做:

                  Assuming you have array of $models with class Post, it can be done like this:

                  $rows = [];
                  foreach ($models as $model) {
                      if (!$model->validate()) {
                          // At least one model has invalid data
                      $rows[] = $model->attributes;

                  如果模型不需要验证,您可以使用 ArrayHelper 缩短上面的代码以构建 $rows 数组.

                  If models don't require validation you can short the code above using ArrayHelper for building $rows array.

                  use yiihelpersArrayHelper;
                  $rows = ArrayHelper::getColumn($models, 'attributes');


                  Then simply execute batch insert:

                  $postModel = new Post;
                  Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert(Post::tableName(), $postModel->attributes(), $rows)->execute();

                  附言$postModel 仅用于提取属性名称列表,您也可以从 $models 数组中的任何现有 $model 中提取它.

                  P.S. The $postModel just used for pulling attirubute names list, you can also pull this from any existing $model in your $models array.


                  If you don't need to insert all attributes you can specify it when filling $rows array:

                  $rows[] = [
                      'title' => $model->title,
                      'content' => $model->content,

                  不要忘记将 $postModel->attributes 替换为 ['title', 'content'].

                  Don't forget to replace $postModel->attributes to ['title', 'content'].


                  In case of larger amount of attributes you can use some array functions to specify exact attributes for inserting.

                  这篇关于ActiveRecord 批量插入 (yii2)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:未找到“Google_Client"类 下一篇:PHP、Yii2 GridView 过滤关系值


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