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      在 PHP 中,NULL 和将字符串设置为等于 2 个单引号有什么区别

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              • 本文介绍了在 PHP 中,NULL 和将字符串设置为等于 2 个单引号有什么区别的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                I used to set things like this when I wanted blank values.

                $blankVar = '';


                Then after some months, I decided this looked better and had a clearer intent.

                $blankVar = null;

                这有一段时间没有打嗝,但最近使用 PDO 准备好的语句我遇到了问题.将值绑定到 null 会使查询失败,而将其绑定到 '' 则不会.我需要把它绑定到null,这样如果满足条件,它就会插入空白数据.

                This worked without hiccup for a while, but recently with a PDO prepared statements I ran into a problem. Binding a value to null made the query fail, whilst binding it to '' did not. I needed to bind it to null, so that if a condition was met, it would insert blank data.

                两者有什么区别?我仍然认为等于 null(或至少是一个常数)看起来更好,所以我应该这样做吗?

                What are the differences between the 2? I still think equaling null (or at least a constant) looks better, so should I do this?

                define('EMPTY', '');


                Null 只是 PHP 中的另一种数据类型,它只有一个值 (null). 由于 PHP 是一种松散类型的语言,它可能会混淆它处理不同值的方式.

                Null is just another datatype in PHP, which has only one value (null). Since PHP is a loosly typed language, it can be confusing how it handles different values.

                "", 0, "0", False, array(), Null 在 PHP 中都被认为是 False.

                "", 0, "0", False, array(), Null are all considered False in PHP.

                然而,Null 是一种不同的动物.与使用 Null 的主要不兼容之处在于您无法判断它是否为 isset().

                Null, however, is a different kind of animal. The main incompatibility with using Null is that you cannot tell if it isset().

                $x = false;
                isset($x)  ->  true
                echo $x    ->  ""
                $y = null;
                isset($y)  ->  false
                echo $y    ->  ""
                //$z is not set
                isset($z)  ->  false
                echo $z    ->  E_NOTICE

                因此 null 很奇怪,因为它不遵循 PHP 中的正常变量规则(至少是一些).在大多数情况下,没问题.

                So null is odd in the sense that it doesn't follow normal variable rules in PHP (at least some). In most cases, it is fine.

                说到数据库列,PHP 的 NULL 没有位置. 你看,SQL 是一种基于字符串的语言.SQL 的 NULL 必须由不带引号的 NULL 表示.

                When it comes to database columns, PHP's NULL has no place there. You see, SQL is a string based language. SQL's NULL must be represented by NULL with no quotes.

                因此,如果您想要一个 EMPTY 字段,请将其设置为"

                So if you want an EMPTY field, set it to ""

                INSERT INTO foo SET bar = ""

                但是如果你想要一个 NULL 字段,请将其设置为 NULL

                But if you want a NULL field, set it to NULL

                INSERT INTO foo SET bar = NULL


                但是如果您尝试直接插入 PHP NULL,它会在查询中添加零个字符(这会导致空白或语法错误,具体取决于您是否引用了它).

                But if you try to insert the PHP NULL directly, it will add zero characters to the query, (which leaves you with a blank or syntax error, depending on if you quoted it).

                这篇关于在 PHP 中,NULL 和将字符串设置为等于 2 个单引号有什么区别的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:php 为空时为空? 下一篇:检查值是否设置为空


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