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      1. Mongodb 多嵌套数组搜索


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                  本文介绍了Mongodb 多嵌套数组搜索的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我的目的是搜索数据userid 1的记录

                  My aim is to search records of data userid 1


                  { "_id" : 2,
                    "name" : "test", 
                    "data" :[{"_id" : "1","file" : "nic", "userid" : [1,2 ]},
                             {"_id" : "2","file" : "nic1","userid" : [1 ]  },
                             {"_id" : 3,"file" : "nick2","userid" : [1,2 ]} 
                  { "_id" : 3,
                    "name" : "test",
                    "data" : [{"_id" : "1","file" : "nic","userid" : [1,2 ]  },
                              {"_id" : "2","file" : "nic1", "userid" : [3,2 ] } 


                  { "_id" : 2,
                    "name" : "test", 
                    "data" :[{"_id" : "1","file" : "nic", "userid" : [1,2 ]},
                             {"_id" : "2","file" : "nic1","userid" : [1 ]  },
                             {"_id" : 3,"file" : "nick2","userid" : [1,2 ]} 
                  { "_id" : 3,
                    "name" : "test",
                    "data" : [{"_id" : "1","file" : "nic","userid" : [1,2 ]  },          


                  $res=$collection->find(array("data.userid" =>array('$in'=>array('52')))); 



                  您需要 .aggregate() 方法以过滤"任何数组内容以进行多个单一匹配,而且基本匹配要简单得多,因为 MongoDB 并不关心数据在数组内,只要指定的路径是正确的:

                  You need the .aggregate() method in order to "filter" any array content for more than a singular match, and also the basic match is a lot simplier as MongoDB does not care that the data is within arrays, just as long as the specified path is correct:

                      { "$match": { "data.userid": 1 } },
                      { "$project": {
                          "data": {
                              "$setDifference": [
                                  { "$map": {
                                      "input": "$data",
                                      "as": "el",
                                      "in": { 
                                          "$cond": [
                                              { "$setIsSubset": [ [1], "$$el.userid" ] },
                      { "$match": { "data.0": { "$exists": true } }}

                  在 PHP 中,这表示如下:

                  With PHP this notates as follows:

                      array( '$match' => array( "data.userid" => 1 )),
                          '$project' => array(
                              'data' => array(
                                  '$setDifference' => array(
                                          '$map' => array(
                                              'input' => '$data',
                                              'as' => 'el',
                                              'in' => array(
                                                  '$cond' => array(
                                                      array( '$setIsSubset' => array(array(1),'$$el.userid') ),
                      array( '$match' => array( 'data.0' => array( '$exists' => TRUE ) ) )

                  $map 运算符允许检查外部数组的每个元素并将每个元素传递给 $cond 三元运算.这会处理 $setIsSubset 对内部"数组的操作,以查看它是否实际上包含备用集合中的值之一(在本例中为 [1] )以及其中 true 进行评估,然后返回元素,否则 false.

                  The $map operator allows inspection of each element ofthe outer array and passed each element to the $cond ternary operation. This processes a $setIsSubset operation on the "inner" array to see if it in fact contains one of the values in the alternate set ( in this case [1] ) and where a true evaluation is made then the element is returned or otherwise false.

                  $setDifference 的要点 是从修改后的数组中删除那些 false 值,只返回匹配的元素.最后是 $exists 测试查看外部数组实际上至少有一个元素并且由于过滤而不是空的.

                  The point of $setDifference is to remove those false values from the modified array and only return matched elements. And finally the $exists test looks to see that outer array actually has at least one element and is not empty as a result of the filtering.


                  The documents returned are the ones with the matching condition and only the array elements that also match the specified condition.

                  当然,这里的操作员要求您至少有 MongoDB 2.6 作为服务器(这是一个相当老的版本,至少是一个建议的更新)但是如果您仍然有一个较小的版本,那么您需要使用 $unwind$group:

                  Of course the operators here require that you have at least MongoDB 2.6 as the server ( which is quite an old release now and an advised update at least ) but if you still have a lesser version then you need a traditional approach with $unwind and $group:

                      array( '$match' => array( "data.userid" => 1 )),
                      array( '$unwind' => '$data' ),
                      array( '$match' => array( 'data.userid' => 1 )),
                          '$group' => array(
                              '_id' => '$_id',
                              'data' => array( '$push' => '$data' )

                  这篇关于Mongodb 多嵌套数组搜索的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:mongodb 从不同的数据库中选择 下一篇:iOS7 - 收据未在沙箱中验证 - 错误 21002 (java.lang.IllegalArgumentExcept


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