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    1. 计算视图中的结果数

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              1. 本文介绍了计算视图中的结果数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我需要计算有多少人属于预定义的组(这在 SQL 中使用 SELECT COUNT 语句很容易做到).我的视图查询运行良好并在我的表中显示实际数据,但我只需要知道它找到了多少结果.

                I need to count how many people belong in pre-defined groups (this is easy to do in SQL using the SELECT COUNT statement). My Views query runs fine and displays the actual data in my table, but I simply need to know how many results it found.

                但是,视图中似乎没有 COUNT 选项.我猜我将不得不使用某种视图挂钩,然后将结果粘贴到表格中.

                However there doesn't seem to be a COUNT option in views. I am guessing I am going to have to use some sort of views hook, and then stick the result in the table.


                Here's a quick example of what i'm trying to achieve:

                My Table
                Group A | 20 people
                Group B | 63 people


                (我已经尝试使用 Views_Calc 模块,但我收到错误,因为它还不是很稳定.)

                (I've tried using the Views_Calc module, but I get errors because it is not quite stable yet.)


                Anybody know of an easy way to count results in Views?


                这是一个很好的 d.o 主题:http://drupal.org/node/131031

                Here's a good d.o thread about it: http://drupal.org/node/131031

                尽管如果您只需要计数而不是 Views 提供的其他内容(字段格式和排序等),为什么不编写正确的 SELECT COUNT 语句并收工呢?

                Although if you JUST need the count and not the other things Views offers (field formatting & ordering, etc), why not just code up the proper SELECT COUNT statement and call it a day?

                (如果您确实需要 Views 提供的那些其他作品,上面有很多关于该线程的示例.)

                (If you DO in fact need those other pieces Views offers, there are many examples on that thread above.)


                上一篇:我应该在 Drupal 中将 ImageMagick 还是 GD2 与 ImageAPI 一起使用? 下一篇:Drupal &amp;常规 PHP 集成


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