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        我从哪里开始使用 Zend 框架?

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                  本文介绍了我从哪里开始使用 Zend 框架?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我一直在记事本中编写我的 PHP 应用程序.我想更上一层楼,让它变得专业,据我所知,使用 Zend 框架是从哪里开始.我一直在阅读文档和快速入门以及一些教程,但我仍然完全迷失了.

                  I have been coding my PHP applications in Notepad. I want to take it a step up and do it professional, and as far as I can tell using the Zend Framework is where to start. I have been reading the documentation and quick start and a few tutorials but I am still completely lost.

                  • Zend 是在您的本地机器上还是在远程服务器上?
                  • MVC"模型是不同的文件吗?GUI 文件,用于获取数据和数据库的函数文件?
                  • 是否有真正详细介绍如何使用 Zend Framework 完成任务以及如何开始的教程?


                  The reason I am asking this is because the tutorials I have been reading still leave me confused and I am very anxious to start doing this professionally. I would like to utilize this new set of tools! Please help :)



                  Zend Framework 是一个非常强大的 PHP MVC 框架.网络上到处都是教程.快速入门教程很好地获得了应用程序的一般框架,但我找到了 Akrabat 的 Zend 框架教程 成为现实世界中更好的例子.

                  Zend Framework is a pretty powerful MVC framework for PHP. There are scads of tutorials all over the net. The quickstart tutorial is good to get a general skeleton of an application, but I found Akrabat's Zend Framework tutorial to be a better real world example.

                  当您需要开发健壮的应用程序并需要一整套库来配合时,ZF 非常棒 - ZF 的库非常庞大,而且所有组件都可以很好地相互配合(尽管您可以单独撕掉它们并将它们添加到任何项目中).ZF 的缺点是,因为它非常灵活,所以设置起来可能相当复杂.

                  ZF is fantastic when you're at the point where you need to develop robust applications and need a whole suite of libraries to accompany this - ZF's library is huge and all the components play quite nicely with each other (although, you can rip them out individually and add them to any project). The downside to ZF is that because it is so flexible, there can be quite a bit of complexity in setting it up.

                  老实说,如果您开始接触 MVC 应用程序,您可能会尝试一些更直接的方法.我发现 CodeIgniter 的学习曲线非常短,同时保持了 MVC 设计的基础知识.CakePHP 也非常谨慎地引导您完成这些步骤.

                  To be honest, if starting to get your feet wet with MVC applications, you might try something a little bit more straight forward. I find CodeIgniter to have a very short learning curve while maintaining the fundamentals of MVC design. CakePHP also walks you through the steps quite deliberately.

                  这篇关于我从哪里开始使用 Zend 框架?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:Zend Framework 表单、装饰器和验证:我应该回到纯 HTML 吗? 下一篇:从 Zend Framework 1 到 2 的逐步迁移


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