如何关闭 PHP 通知?

本文介绍了如何关闭 PHP 通知?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


Notice: Constant DIR_FS_CATALOG already defined

我已经在 php.ini<中注释掉了 display_errors/code>,但不起作用.

I've already commented out display_errors in php.ini, but is not working.

如何让 PHP 不向浏览器输出这些东西?

How do I make PHP to not output such things to browsers?


我把 display_errors = Off 放在那里,但它仍然报告这样的通知,

I put display_errors = Off there but it's still reporting such notices,

这是 PHP 5.3 的问题吗?

Is this an issue with PHP 5.3?



您可以将 display_errors 设置为 0 或使用 error_reporting() 函数.

You can set display_errors to 0 or use the error_reporting() function.


However, notices are annoying (I can partly sympathize) but they serve a purpose. You shouldn't be defining a constant twice, the second time won't work and the constant will remain unchanged!

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