我创建了一个包含一组图像和 mp3 的视频.但我想为该视频添加水印文本.我正在使用以下代码添加文本.
I created a video with group of images and mp3. But i want to add a watermark text to that video .i am using the below code to add the text.
exec('/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -y -i output.mov -acodec libmp3lame -vcodec msmpeg4
-b:a 192k -b:v 1000k -ar 44100
-vf "drawtext=text=string1 string2 string3 string4 string5 string6 string7 :expansion=normal:fontfile=/usr/bin/DejaVuSerif-BoldItalic-webfont.ttf: y=0:x=h-(2*lh)-n: fontcolor=white: fontsize=40: box=1: boxcolor=0x00000000@1"
-an IMG_0696.avi');
The issue with this is that the video file is creating with zero size. Can any one help me please. Or else Suggest me any other command to add watermark text to video. Thank you in advance...
我正在使用 php-ffmpeg [Below : Composer Json]:
I am using php-ffmpeg [Below : Composer Json]:
"require": {
"php-ffmpeg/php-ffmpeg": "^0.6.1"
并且使用这个 php-ffmpeg 库,您可以使用以下代码添加水印:
and Using this php-ffmpeg library you can add watermark's using the following codes:
function processVideo($videoSource,$reqExtension, $watermark = "")
$ffmpeg = FFMpegFFMpeg::create();
$video = $ffmpeg->open($videoSource);
$format = new FFMpegFormatVideoX264('libmp3lame', 'libx264');
if (!empty($watermark))
$video ->filters()
->watermark($watermark, array(
'position' => 'relative',
'top' => 25,
'right' => 50,
-> setKiloBitrate(1000)
-> setAudioChannels(2)
-> setAudioKiloBitrate(256);
$randomFileName = rand().".$reqExtension";
$saveLocation = getcwd(). '/video/'.$randomFileName;
$video->save($format, $saveLocation);
if (file_exists($saveLocation))
return "http://localhost/test/video/$randomFileName";
return "http://localhost/test/thumb/404.png";
echo $videoLocation = processVideo("sample.mp4","mp4","favicon.png");
[Please, update the location according to your need.]