


我下载了一个事件管理软件并安装了 wamp 服务器.一切都很好,但是当我尝试注册该网站时,它向我显示了这个

I downloaded an Event management software and install wamp server. Everything is fine but when I try to sign up into the website, it is showing me this

( ! ) Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1049): Unknown database 'eventmanagmnt' in C:wamp64wwwEmspconnection.php on line 2

Call Stack
#   Time    Memory  Function    Location
1   0.0507  403176  {main}( )   ...Login.php:0
2   0.1265  404264  include( 'C:wamp64wwwEmspconnection.php' )  ...Login.php:2
3   0.1266  404264  mysqli_connect ( )  ...connection.php:2


WAMP 的新版本似乎同时安装了 MySQL 和 MariaDB.而当我通过phpMyAdmin登录时,我看到MySQL使用的是3308端口.

New versions of WAMP seems to install both MySQL and MariaDB. And when I logged in through the phpMyAdmin, I saw that the MySQL is using the port 3308.

因此,在我的 PHP 代码中,我没有仅使用 localhost 作为我的数据库主机名,而是像这样添加了端口:localhost:3308 并且它起作用了.

So in my PHP code, instead of using just localhost for my database hostname, I added the port to it like this: localhost:3308 and it worked.

$db = new mysqli('localhost:3308', 'root', 'password', 'db_name');


上一篇:使用 PHP 将日期转换为 SQL 中的 DATETIME 下一篇:为什么不推荐使用 PHP 的 mysql_ 函数?
