如何使用 Laravel Eloquent 创建子查询?

本文介绍了如何使用 Laravel Eloquent 创建子查询?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我有以下 Eloquent 查询(这是一个查询的简化版本,它由更多的 whereorWhere 组成,因此明显的迂回方式这 - 理论很重要):

I have the following Eloquent query (This is a simplified version of a query which consists of of more wheres and orWheres hence the apparent roundabout way of going about this - the theory is what's important):

$start_date = //some date;

$prices = BenchmarkPrice::select('price_date', 'price')
->orderBy('price_date', 'ASC')
->where('ticker', $this->ticker)
->where(function($q) use ($start_date) {

    // some wheres...

    $q->orWhere(function($q2) use ($start_date){
        $dateToCompare = BenchmarkPrice::select(DB::raw('min(price_date) as min_date'))
        ->where('price_date', '>=', $start_date)
        ->where('ticker', $this->ticker)

        $q2->where('price_date', $dateToCompare);

如您所见,我选择发生在我的start_date 或之后的最早日期.这会导致运行单独的查询以获取此日期,然后将其用作主查询中的参数.有没有一种雄辩的方法可以将查询嵌入在一起形成一个子查询,从而只有 1 个数据库调用而不是 2 个?

As you can see I pluck the earliest date that occurs on or after my start_date. This results in a seperate query being run to get this date which is then used as a parameter in the main query. Is there a way in eloquent to embed the queries together to form a subquery and thus only 1 database call rather than 2?

根据@Jarek 的回答,这是我的查询:

As per @Jarek's answer this is my query:

$prices = BenchmarkPrice::select('price_date', 'price')
->orderBy('price_date', 'ASC')
->where('ticker', $this->ticker)
->where(function($q) use ($start_date, $end_date, $last_day) {
    if ($start_date) $q->where('price_date' ,'>=', $start_date);
    if ($end_date) $q->where('price_date' ,'<=', $end_date);
    if ($last_day) $q->where('price_date', DB::raw('LAST_DAY(price_date)'));

    if ($start_date) $q->orWhere('price_date', '=', function($d) use ($start_date) {

        // Get the earliest date on of after the start date
        ->where('price_date', '>=', $start_date)
        ->where('ticker', $this->ticker);                
    if ($end_date) $q->orWhere('price_date', '=', function($d) use ($end_date) {

        // Get the latest date on or before the end date
        ->where('price_date', '<=', $end_date)
        ->where('ticker', $this->ticker);
$this->prices = $prices->remember($_ENV['LONG_CACHE_TIME'])->get();

orWhere 块导致查询中的所有参数突然变得不带引号.例如.WHEREprice_date>= 2009-09-07.当我删除 orWheres 时,查询工作正常.这是为什么?

The orWhere blocks are causing all parameters in the query to suddenly become unquoted. E.g. WHEREprice_date>= 2009-09-07. When I remove the orWheres the query works fine. Why is this?



This is how you do a subquery where:

$q->where('price_date', function($q) use ($start_date)
    ->where('price_date', '>=', $start_date)
    ->where('ticker', $this->ticker);


Unfortunately orWhere requires explicitly provided $operator, otherwise it will raise an error, so in your case:

$q->orWhere('price_date', '=', function($q) use ($start_date)
    ->where('price_date', '>=', $start_date)
    ->where('ticker', $this->ticker);



You need to specify from in the closure in fact, otherwise it will not build correct query.

这篇关于如何使用 Laravel Eloquent 创建子查询?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:如何在使用 eloquent 时排除某些列 下一篇:如何在 Eloquent 中为列的名称设置别名
