POST 数组未显示未选中的复选框

本文介绍了POST 数组未显示未选中的复选框的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


无法让我的 POST 数组显示表单中的所有复选框值.

Having trouble getting my POST arrays to show all checkbox values from my form.


<form name='foo' method='post' action=''>
          <td class='bla'>Checkbox: <input type='checkbox' name='cBox[]'/></td>
          <td class='bla'>Checkbox: <input type='checkbox' name='cBox[]'/></td>
          <td class='bla'>Checkbox: <input type='checkbox' name='cBox[]'/></td>

我在底部有一个按钮绑定到一个 jquery 函数,它向表单添加了另外 5 个空行(因此输入名称 cBox[] 的数组).

I have a button at the bottom bound to a jquery function that adds 5 more empty rows to the form (hence the arrays for the input name cBox[]).

现在,问题来了.假设第一个复选框未选中,最后两个复选框被选中.当我输出值时(使用 PHP print_r 进行调试),我会得到:

Now, the problem. Lets say the first checkbox is unchecked, and the last 2 are checked. When I output the values (using PHP print_r for debugging), I will get:

Array ( [0] => on [1] => on)


For some reason, the array does not contain any value for unchecked checkboxes.


I have seen some solutions where a hidden variable is passed with each checkbox, but can this solution be implemented in my situation (using arrays)?



That behavior is not surprising, as the browser doesn't submit any value for checkboxes that are unchecked.

如果您需要将确切数量的元素作为数组提交,为什么不做与有某种相关联的 id 时所做的相同的事情每个复选框?只需在 元素名称中包含 PHP 数组键名:

If you are in a situation where you need to submit an exact number of elements as an array, why don't you do the same thing you do when there's an id of some sort associated with each checkbox? Just include the PHP array key name as part of the <input> element's name:

                                                       <!-- NOTE [0] --->
      <td class='bla'>Checkbox: <input type='checkbox' name='cBox[0]'/></td>
      <td class='bla'>Checkbox: <input type='checkbox' name='cBox[1]'/></td>
      <td class='bla'>Checkbox: <input type='checkbox' name='cBox[2]'/></td>


That still leaves you with the problem that unchecked boxes will still not be present in the array. That may or may not be a problem. For one, you may really not care:

foreach($incoming as $key => $value) {
    // if the first $key is 1, do you care that you will never see 0?


Even if you do care, you can easily correct the problem. Two straightforward approaches here. One, just do the hidden input element trick:

      <td class='bla'>
        <input type="hidden" name="cBox[0]" value="" />
        Checkbox: <input type='checkbox' name='cBox[0]'/>
      <td class='bla'>
        <input type="hidden" name="cBox[1]" value="" />
        Checkbox: <input type='checkbox' name='cBox[1]'/>

还有两个,我觉得更可取,用 PHP 代替:

And two, which I find preferable, fill in the blanks from PHP instead:

// assume this is what comes in:
$input = array(
    '1' => 'foo',
    '3' => 'bar',

// set defaults: array with keys 0-4 all set to empty string
$defaults = array_fill(0, 5, '');

$input = $input + $defaults;

// If you also want order, sort:



这篇关于POST 数组未显示未选中的复选框的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:即使没有从 HTML 到 PHP 进行检查,我如何获取所有复选框变量? 下一篇:刷新页面后如何保持复选框选中

