CakePHP 使用来自 Shell cronjob 的电子邮件组件

本文介绍了CakePHP 使用来自 Shell cronjob 的电子邮件组件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试像从控制器一样从 CakePHP shell 发送电子邮件.

I'm trying to send an email from a CakePHP shell just as you would from the Controller.

以下大部分代码改编自 这篇关于面包店的过时文章 及其评论.电子邮件正在发送,但是行 $controller->set('result', $results[$i]); 抛出以下通知:

Most of the code below was adapted from this dated article on the Bakery and it's comments. The email is sending, however the line $controller->set('result', $results[$i]); throws the following notices:

注意:未定义的属性:查看::$webroot/home/jmccreary/www/在线 813

Notice: Undefined property: View::$webroot in /home/jmccreary/www/ on line 813

PHP 注意:未定义变量:导致/home/jmccreary/www/第 2 行

PHP Notice: Undefined variable: result in /home/jmccreary/www/ on line 2


So I'm not getting any of the variables passed to my email view.

我怎样才能做到这一点,最好遵循 Cake 约定?

How can I do this, ideally following the Cake conventions?

class NotificationShell extends Shell {
    var $uses = array('Employee', 'Task');

    function main() {
        // run if no action is passed

    function nea_task_reminder() {
        // build Task to Employee relationship
        $this->Task->bindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('Employee' => array('className' => 'Employee', 'foreignKey' => 'object_id'))));
        $results = $this->Task->find('all', array('conditions' => array('application_id' => 1, 'completed_by_id' => 0), 'contain' => array('Employee' => array('Contact', 'Position'))));

        $count = count($results);
        if ($count) {
            App::import('Core', 'Controller');
            App::import('Component', 'Email');
            $controller =& new Controller();
            $email =& new EmailComponent();

            // send email
            $email->from = Configure::read('Email.from');
            $email->to = '';
            $email->replyTo = '';
            $email->template = 'nea/task_reminder_it';
            $email->sendAs = 'text';

            for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
                $email->subject = 'NEA Notification: Task Reminder for ' . $results[$i]['Employee']['Contact']['full_name'];
                $controller->set('result', $results[$i]);


问题在于您初始化 EmailComponent 类的方式.如果您查看源代码,startup() 方法实际上没有主体,因此它什么也不做.您的控制器实际上并未分配给 EmailComponent.问题不在于 $controller->set('results', ...);.您需要使用 EmailComponent::initialize() 而不是 EmailComponent::startup().

The problem is the way you're initializing the EmailComponent class. If you look at the source code, the startup() method doesn't actually have a body so it does nothing. Your controller isn't actually assigned to the EmailComponent. The problem isn't $controller->set('results', ...);. You need to use EmailComponent::initialize() instead of EmailComponent::startup().

$controller =& new Controller();
$email =& new EmailComponent(null);


  1. http://的评论部分/
  2. EmailComponent::startup() 来源

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上一篇:在 Cakephp 3 中捕获异常:不起作用 下一篇:CakePHP 从数据库查询最近纬度经度

