保存“特价"的表在哪里?在 Magento 中?

本文介绍了保存“特价"的表在哪里?在 Magento 中?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用 mySQL 和 php 脚本批量更新特价"和价格",我知道包含价格"的表和行,但不知道包含特价"的表和行.

Im trying to update the "Special_price" and "price" in bulk with mySQL an a php script, I know the table and row that contains the "price" but not the one that contains the "special_price".


I've looks though the database itself and still no luck. Any ideas? I need the table name and the field name.


我是 Magento Question Answers Guild 的成员,因此我建议您修复 API 错误,而不是使用普通的旧 SQL 来更新数据库.正如其他地方提到的,直接更新数据库可能会使 Magento 进入系统无法识别的状态,这可能会导致奇怪的、令人恼火的错误.

My membership in the Magento Question Answers Guild requires me to suggest you work on fixing your API errors instead of using plain old SQL to update the database. As mentioned elsewhere, updating the database directly might put Magento into a state not recognized by the system, which can lead to strange, infuriating errors.


That said, the special price value will be stored with the other product attribute values in the


表.该表有一个attribute_id 列,该列与eav_attribute 表具有外键关系.在 eav_attribute 表中查找代码为 special_price 的属性.attribute_id 和产品的 entity_id 应该足以在 catalog_product_entity_decimal 中找到正确的行.

table. This table has an attribute_id column, which has a foreign key relationship with the eav_attribute table. Look in the eav_attribute table for the attribute with the code special_price. That attribute_id and the product's entity_id should be enough to find the correct row in catalog_product_entity_decimal.

请记住,如果产品没有设置 special_price,则不会存在任何行.还要记住,如果产品在不同的范围级别设置了 special_price,则可能会有不止一行.

Keep in mind no row will exist if a product doesn't have a special_price set. Also keep in mind if a product has a special_price set at different scope levels that there may be more than one row.

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