排序算法:Magento 结帐总额排序错误导致运费计算错误

本文介绍了排序算法:Magento 结帐总额排序错误导致运费计算错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


在 Magento 中有一个功能,您可以通过指定运行总计之前和之后的总计来定义总计计算的顺序.

我添加了一个自定义总数,如果我将以下几行添加到 config.xml,排序是错误的.错误的意思是:tax_shipping before shipping.这会导致运费税金增加两次.




这是我添加的唯一规则.如果没有此规则,tax_shipping 将排在 shipping 之后.


下面我将 usort 调用返回的排序数组粘贴到 Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Collector::_getSortedCollectorCodes()对于没有安装Magento的,代码是这样的:

/*** uasort回调函数** @param 数组 $a* @param 数组 $b* @return 整数*/受保护的函数 _compareTotals($a, $b){$aCode = $a['_code'];$bCode = $b['_code'];if (in_array($aCode, $b['after']) || in_array($bCode, $a['before'])) {$res = -1;} elseif (in_array($bCode, $a['after']) || in_array($aCode, $b['before'])) {$res = 1;} 别的 {$res = 0;}返回 $res;}受保护的函数 _getSortedCollectorCodes(){...uasort($configArray, array($this, '_compareTotals'));Mage::log('排序:');//这会产生下面的输出$loginfo = "";foreach($configArray as $code=>$data) {$loginfo .= "$code
";$loginfo .= "after: ".implode(',',$data['after'])."
";$loginfo .= "before: ".implode(',',$data['before'])."
";$loginfo .= "



在 Vinai 的回答之后,我添加了更多调试代码

$fp = fopen('/tmp/dotfile','w');fwrite($fp,"digraph TotalOrder
");foreach($configArray as $code=>$data) {$_code = $data['_code'];foreach($data['before'] 作为 $beforeCode) {fwrite($fp,"$beforeCode -> $_code;
");}foreach($data['after'] 作为 $afterCode) {fwrite($fp,"$_code -> $afterCode;

并使用graphviz对其进行可视化:dot -Tpng dotfile >即.png.这是第一次尝试的结果.排序后调用.

编辑 2:


所以我在合并之后/之前条目之前对数组进行了可视化.(紧跟在 $configArray = $this->_modelsConfig; 之后)




编辑 3:

uasort 之前的配置数组:

<前>大批 ('名义' =>大批 ('class' => 'sales/quote_address_total_nominal','之前' =>大批 (0 => '小计',1 => 'grand_total',),'renderer' => 'checkout/total_nominal','之后' =>大批 (),'_code' => '名义',),'小计' =>大批 ('class' => 'sales/quote_address_total_subtotal','之后' =>大批 (0 => '名义',),'之前' =>大批 (0 => 'grand_total',1 => '运输',2 => '免费送货',3 => 'tax_subtotal',4 => '折扣',5 => '税',6 => '小',7 => '礼品包装',8 => '现金交付',9 => 'cashondelivery_tax',10 => '运输保护',11 => 'shippingprotectiontax',),'renderer' => 'tax/checkout_subtotal','admin_renderer' => 'adminhtml/sales_order_create_totals_subtotal','_code' => '小计',),'运输' =>大批 ('class' => 'sales/quote_address_total_shipping','之后' =>大批 (0 => '小计',1 => '免费送货',2 => 'tax_subtotal',3 => '名义',),'之前' =>大批 (0 => 'grand_total',1 => '折扣',2 => 'tax_shipping',3 => '税',4 => '现金交付',5 => 'cashondelivery_tax',6 => '运输保护',7 => 'shippingprotectiontax',),'renderer' => 'tax/checkout_shipping','admin_renderer' => 'adminhtml/sales_order_create_totals_shipping','_code' => '运输',),'grand_total' =>大批 ('class' => 'sales/quote_address_total_grand','之后' =>大批 (0 => '小计',1 => '名义',2 => '运输',3 => '免费送货',4 => 'tax_subtotal',5 => '折扣',6 => '税',7 => 'tax_giftwrapping',8 => '现金交付',9 => 'cashondelivery_tax',10 => '运输保护',11 => 'shippingprotectiontax',),'renderer' => 'tax/checkout_grandtotal','admin_renderer' => 'adminhtml/sales_order_create_totals_grandtotal','之前' =>大批 (0 => '客户余额',1 => '礼品卡账户',2 => '奖励',),'_code' => 'grand_total',),'免费送货' =>大批 ('class' => 'salesrule/quote_freeshipping','之后' =>大批 (0 => '小计',1 => '名义',),'之前' =>大批 (0 => 'tax_subtotal',1 => '运输',2 => 'grand_total',3 => '税',4 => '折扣',),'_code' => '免费送货',),'折扣' =>大批 ('class' => 'salesrule/quote_discount','之后' =>大批 (0 => '小计',1 => '运输',2 => '名义',3 => '免费送货',4 => 'tax_subtotal',5 => 'tax_shipping',6 => '小',),'之前' =>大批 (0 => 'grand_total',1 => '税',2 => '客户余额',3 => '礼品卡账户',4 => '奖励',5 => '现金交付',6 => 'cashondelivery_tax',7 => '运输保护',8 => 'shippingprotectiontax',),'renderer' => 'tax/checkout_discount','admin_renderer' => 'adminhtml/sales_order_create_totals_discount','_code' => '折扣',),'tax_subtotal' =>大批 ('class' => 'tax/sales_total_quote_subtotal','之后' =>大批 (0 => '免费送货',1 => '小计',2 => '小计',3 => '名义',),'之前' =>大批 (0 => '税',1 => '折扣',2 => '运输',3 => 'grand_total',4 => '小',5 => '客户余额',6 => '礼品卡账户',7 => '奖励',),'_code' => 'tax_subtotal',),'tax_shipping' =>大批 ('class' => 'tax/sales_total_quote_shipping','之后' =>大批 (0 => '运输',1 => '小计',2 => '免费送货',3 => 'tax_subtotal',4 => '名义',),'之前' =>大批 (0 => '税',1 => '折扣',2 => 'grand_total',3 => 'grand_total',),'_code' => 'tax_shipping',),'税' =>大批 ('class' => 'tax/sales_total_quote_tax','之后' =>大批 (0 => '小计',1 => '运输',2 => '折扣',3 => 'tax_subtotal',4 => '免费送货',5 => 'tax_shipping',6 => '名义',7 => '小',8 => '现金交付',9 => '运输保护',),'之前' =>大批 (0 => 'grand_total',1 => '客户余额',2 => '礼品卡账户',3 => 'tax_giftwrapping',4 => '奖励',5 => 'cashondelivery_tax',6 => 'shippingprotectiontax',),'renderer' => 'tax/checkout_tax','admin_renderer' => 'adminhtml/sales_order_create_totals_tax','_code' => '税',),'小' =>大批 ('class' => 'weee/total_quote_weee','之后' =>大批 (0 => '小计',1 => 'tax_subtotal',2 => '名义',3 => '免费送货',4 => '小计',5 => '小计',6 => '名义',),'之前' =>大批 (0 => '税',1 => '折扣',2 => 'grand_total',3 => 'grand_total',4 => '税',),'_code' => 'weee',),'客户余额' =>大批 ('class' => 'enterprise_customerbalance/total_quote_customerbalance','之后' =>大批 (0 => '小',1 => '折扣',2 => '税',3 => 'tax_subtotal',4 => 'grand_total',5 => '奖励',6 => '礼品卡账户',7 => '小计',8 => '运输',9 => '名义',10 => '免费送货',11 => 'tax_shipping',12 => '小',),'renderer' => 'enterprise_customerbalance/checkout_total','之前' =>大批 (),'_code' => '客户余额',),'礼品卡帐户' =>大批 ('class' => 'enterprise_giftcardaccount/total_quote_giftcardaccount','之后' =>大批 (0 => '小',1 => '折扣',2 => '税',3 => 'tax_subtotal',4 => 'grand_total',5 => '奖励',6 => '小计',7 => '运输',8 => '名义',9 => '免费送货',11 => 'tax_shipping',12 => '小',),'之前' =>大批 (0 => '客户余额',),'renderer' => 'enterprise_giftcardaccount/checkout_cart_total','_code' => 'giftcardaccount',),'礼品包装' =>大批 ('class' => 'enterprise_giftwrapping/total_quote_giftwrapping','之后' =>大批 (0 => '小计',1 => '名义',),'renderer' => 'enterprise_giftwrapping/checkout_totals','之前' =>大批 (),'_code' => '礼品包装',),'tax_giftwrapping' =>大批 ('class' => 'enterprise_giftwrapping/total_quote_tax_giftwrapping','之后' =>大批 (0 => '税',1 => '小计',2 => '运输',3 => '折扣',4 => 'tax_subtotal',5 => '免费送货',6 => 'tax_shipping',7 => '名义',8 => '小',),'之前' =>大批 (0 => 'grand_total',1 => '客户余额',2 => '礼品卡账户',),'_code' => 'tax_giftwrapping',),'奖励' =>大批 ('class' => 'enterprise_reward/total_quote_reward','之后' =>大批 (0 => '小',1 => '折扣',2 => '税',3 => 'tax_subtotal',4 => 'grand_total',5 => '小计',6 => '运输',7 => '名义',8 => '免费送货',9 => 'tax_subtotal',10 => 'tax_shipping',11 => '小',12 => '小计',13 => '运输',14 => '折扣',15 => 'tax_subtotal',16 => '免费送货',17 => 'tax_shipping',18 => '名义',19 => '小',20 => '免费送货',21 => '小计',22 => '小计',23 => '名义',24 => '小计',25 => '名义',26 => '运输',27 => '免费送货',28 => 'tax_subtotal',29 => '折扣',30 => '税',31 => 'tax_giftwrapping',),'之前' =>大批 (0 => '礼品卡账户',1 => '客户余额',2 => '客户余额',),'renderer' => 'enterprise_reward/checkout_total','_code' => '奖励',),'现金交付' =>大批 ('class' => 'cashondelivery/quote_total','之后' =>大批 (0 => '小计',1 => '折扣',2 => '运输',3 => '名义',4 => '小计',5 => '运输',6 => '名义',7 => '免费送货',8 => 'tax_subtotal',9 => 'tax_shipping',10 => '小',11 => '小计',12 => '免费送货',13 => 'tax_subtotal',14 => '名义',),'之前' =>大批 (0 => '税',1 => 'grand_total',2 => 'grand_total',3 => '客户余额',4 => '礼品卡账户',5 => 'tax_giftwrapping',6 => '奖励',7 => '客户余额',8 => '礼品卡账户',9 => '奖励',),'renderer' => 'cashondelivery/checkout_cod','admin_renderer' => 'cashondelivery/adminhtml_sales_order_create_totals_cod','_code' => '现金交货',),'cashondelivery_tax' =>大批 ('class' => 'cashondelivery/quote_taxTotal','之后' =>大批 (0 => '小计',1 => '折扣',2 => '运输',3 => '税',4 => '名义',5 => '小计',6 => '运输',7 => '名义',8 => '免费送货',9 => 'tax_subtotal',10 => 'tax_shipping',11 => '小',12 => '小计',13 => '免费送货',14 => 'tax_subtotal',15 => '名义',16 => '小计',17 => '运输',18 => '折扣',19 => 'tax_subtotal',20 => '免费送货',21 => 'tax_shipping',22 => '名义',23 => '小',24 => '现金交付',),'之前' =>大批 (0 => 'grand_total',1 => '客户余额',2 => '礼品卡账户',3 => '奖励',),'_code' => 'cashondelivery_tax',),'运输保护' =>大批 ('class' => 'n98_shippingprotection/quote_address_total_shippingprotection','之后' =>大批 (0 => '小计',1 => '折扣',2 => '运输',3 => '名义',4 => '小计',5 => '运输',6 => '名义',7 => '免费送货',8 => 'tax_subtotal',9 => 'tax_shipping',10 => '小',11 => '小计',12 => '免费送货',13 => 'tax_subtotal',14 => '名义',),'之前' =>大批 (0 => '税',1 => 'grand_total',2 => 'grand_total',3 => '客户余额',4 => '礼品卡账户',5 => 'tax_giftwrapping',6 => '奖励',7 => 'cashondelivery_tax',8 => '客户余额',9 => '礼品卡账户',10 => '奖励',),'_code' => 'shippingprotection',),'运输保护税' =>大批 ('class' => 'n98_shippingprotection/quote_address_total_shippingprotectionTax','之后' =>大批 (0 => '小计',1 => '折扣',2 => '运输',3 => '税',4 => '名义',5 => '小计',6 => '运输',7 => '名义',8 => '免费送货',9 => 'tax_subtotal',10 => 'tax_shipping',11 => '小',12 => '小计',13 => '免费送货',14 => 'tax_subtotal',15 => '名义',16 => '小计',17 => '运输',18 => '折扣',19 => 'tax_subtotal',20 => '免费送货',21 => 'tax_shipping',22 => '名义',23 => '小',24 => '现金交付',25 => '运输保护',),'之前' =>大批 (0 => 'grand_total',1 => '客户余额',2 => '礼品卡账户',3 => '奖励',),'_code' => 'shippingprotectiontax',),)


更新: Magento 错误票证:https://jira.magento.com/browse/MCACE-129



它实现了 Vinai 建议的拓扑排序.

  1. app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Config/Ordered.php复制到app/code/local/Mage/Sales/Model/Config/Ordered.php
  2. 将补丁的内容保存到文件 total-sorting.patch 并调用 patch -p0 app/code/local/Mage/Sales/Model/Config/Ordered.php


该补丁经过测试可与 Magento 配合使用

<前>--- app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Config/Ordered.php 2012-08-14 14:19:50.306504947 +0200+++ app/code/local/Mage/Sales/Model/Config/Ordered.php 2012-08-15 10:00:47.027003404 +0200@@ -121,6 +121,78 @@返回 $totalConfig;}+//[补丁代码开始]++/**+ * 拓扑排序+ *+ * 版权所有:http://www.calcatraz.com/blog/php-topological-sort-function-384+ * 并修复见 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11953021/topological-sorting-in-php 上的评论+ *+ * @param $nodeids 节点 ID+ * @param $edges 边数组.每条边被指定为一个包含两个元素的数组:边的源节点和目标节点+ * @return 数组|null+ */+ 函数拓扑排序($nodeids,$edges){+ $L = $S = $nodes = array();+ foreach($nodeids 作为 $id) {+ $nodes[$id] = array('in'=>array(), 'out'=>array());+ foreach($edges as $e) {+ if ($id==$e[0]) { $nodes[$id]['out'][]=$e[1];}+ if ($id==$e[1]) { $nodes[$id]['in'][]=$e[0];}+ }+ }+ foreach ($nodes as $id=>$n) { if (empty($n['in'])) $S[]=$id;}+ while ($id = array_shift($S)) {+ if (!in_array($id, $L)) {+ $L[] = $id;+ foreach($nodes[$id]['out'] as $m) {+ $nodes[$m]['in'] = array_diff($nodes[$m]['in'], array($id));+ if (empty($nodes[$m]['in'])) { $S[] = $m;}+ }+ $nodes[$id]['out'] = array();+ }+ }+ foreach($nodes as $n) {+ if (!empty($n['in']) 或 !empty($n['out'])) {+ 返回空;//不可排序,因为图是循环的+ }+ }+ 返回 $L;+ }++/**+ * 排序配置数组+ *+ * public 可以通过测试轻松访问+ *+ * @param $configArray+ * @return 数组+ */+ 公共函数 _topSortConfigArray($configArray)+ {+ $nodes = array_keys($configArray);+ $edges = 数组();++ foreach ($configArray as $code => $data) {+ $_code = $data['_code'];+ if (!isset($configArray[$_code])) 继续;+ foreach ($data['before'] as $beforeCode) {+ if (!isset($configArray[$beforeCode])) 继续;+ $edges[] = array($_code, $beforeCode);+ }++ foreach ($data['after'] as $afterCode) {+ if (!isset($configArray[$afterCode])) 继续;+ $edges[] = array($afterCode, $_code);+ }+ }+ 返回 $this->topological_sort($nodes, $edges);+ }++//[补丁代码结束]++/*** 汇总所有项目的前后信息并根据此数据对总数进行排序*@@ -138,38 +210,16 @@//如果第一个元素包含sort_order"键,则调用简单排序重置($configArray);$element = current($configArray);+//[补丁代码开始]如果 (isset($element['sort_order'])) {uasort($configArray, array($this, '_compareSortOrder'));+ $sortedCollectors = array_keys($configArray);+} 别的 {- foreach ($configArray as $code => $data) {- foreach ($data['before'] as $beforeCode) {- 如果 (!isset($configArray[$beforeCode])) {- 继续;- }- $configArray[$code]['before'] = array_unique(array_merge(- $configArray[$code]['before'], $configArray[$beforeCode]['before']- ));- $configArray[$beforeCode]['after'] = array_merge(- $configArray[$beforeCode]['after'], array($code), $data['after']- );- $configArray[$beforeCode]['after'] = array_unique($configArray[$beforeCode]['after']);- }- foreach ($data['after'] as $afterCode) {- 如果 (!isset($configArray[$afterCode])) {- 继续;- }- $configArray[$code]['after'] = array_unique(array_merge(- $configArray[$code]['after'], $configArray[$afterCode]['after']- ));- $configArray[$afterCode]['before'] = array_merge(- $configArray[$afterCode]['before'], array($code), $data['before']- );- $configArray[$afterCode]['before'] = array_unique($configArray[$afterCode]['before']);- }- }- uasort($configArray, array($this, '_compareTotals'));+ $sortedCollectors = $this->_topSortConfigArray($configArray);}- $sortedCollectors = array_keys($configArray);+//[补丁代码结束]+if (Mage::app()->useCache('config')) {Mage::app()->saveCache(serialize($sortedCollectors), $this->_collectorsCacheKey, array(Mage_Core_Model_Config::CACHE_TAG@@ -196,27 +246,6 @@}/**- * 使用 after/before 进行比较的回调- *- * @param 数组 $a- * @param 数组 $b- * @return int- */- 受保护的函数 _compareTotals($a, $b)- {- $aCode = $a['_code'];- $bCode = $b['_code'];- if (in_array($aCode, $b['after']) || in_array($bCode, $a['before'])) {- $res = -1;- } elseif (in_array($bCode, $a['after']) || in_array($aCode, $b['before'])) {- $res = 1;- } 别的 {- $res = 0;- }- 返回 $res;- }——-/*** 使用 sort_order 进行比较的回调** @param 数组 $a

编辑:还有另一个建议的更改(对于 Magento 2):https://github.com/magento/magento2/pull/49

In Magento there is a functionality where you can define the order of total calculation by specifing before and after which totals a total should be run.

I added a custom total and if I add the following lines to the config.xml, the sorting is wrong. Wrong means: tax_shipping comes before shipping. This causes the tax for the shipping cost to be added twice.

But this violates the condition

after: shipping

My guess: There must be some contradiction in the full set of rules. But how can I find it?

This is the only rule I add. Without this rule, tax_shipping is sorted after shipping.


Below I paste the sorted array that is returned by the usort call in Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Collector::_getSortedCollectorCodes() For those who do not have a Magento installation, the code is like this:

 * uasort callback function
 * @param   array $a
 * @param   array $b
 * @return  int
protected function _compareTotals($a, $b)
    $aCode = $a['_code'];
    $bCode = $b['_code'];
    if (in_array($aCode, $b['after']) || in_array($bCode, $a['before'])) {
        $res = -1;
    } elseif (in_array($bCode, $a['after']) || in_array($aCode, $b['before'])) {
        $res = 1;
    } else {
        $res = 0;
    return $res;

protected function _getSortedCollectorCodes()


    uasort($configArray, array($this, '_compareTotals'));

    // this produces the output below
    $loginfo = "";
    foreach($configArray as $code=>$data) {
        $loginfo .= "$code
        $loginfo .= "after: ".implode(',',$data['after'])."
        $loginfo .= "before: ".implode(',',$data['before'])."
        $loginfo .= "


Log output:

before: subtotal,grand_total

after: nominal
before: grand_total,shipping,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,discount,tax,weee,giftwrapping,cashondelivery,cashondelivery_tax,shippingprotection,shippingprotectiontax

after: subtotal,nominal
before: tax_subtotal,shipping,grand_total,tax,discount

after: shipping,subtotal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,nominal
before: tax,discount,grand_total,grand_total

after: subtotal,nominal

after: freeshipping,subtotal,subtotal,nominal
before: tax,discount,shipping,grand_total,weee,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,reward

after: subtotal,tax_subtotal,nominal,freeshipping,subtotal,subtotal,nominal
before: tax,discount,grand_total,grand_total,tax

after: subtotal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,nominal
before: grand_total,discount,tax_shipping,tax,cashondelivery,cashondelivery_tax,shippingprotection,shippingprotectiontax

after: subtotal,shipping,nominal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,tax_shipping,weee
before: grand_total,tax,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,reward,cashondelivery,cashondelivery_tax,shippingprotection,shippingprotectiontax

after: subtotal,discount,shipping,nominal,subtotal,shipping,nominal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,tax_shipping,weee,subtotal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,nominal
before: tax,grand_total,grand_total,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,tax_giftwrapping,reward,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,reward

after: subtotal,discount,shipping,nominal,subtotal,shipping,nominal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,tax_shipping,weee,subtotal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,nominal
before: tax,grand_total,grand_total,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,tax_giftwrapping,reward,cashondelivery_tax,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,reward

after: subtotal,shipping,discount,tax_subtotal,freeshipping,tax_shipping,nominal,weee,cashondelivery,shippingprotection
before: grand_total,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,tax_giftwrapping,reward,cashondelivery_tax,shippingprotectiontax

after: subtotal,discount,shipping,tax,nominal,subtotal,shipping,nominal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,tax_shipping,weee,subtotal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,nominal,subtotal,shipping,discount,tax_subtotal,freeshipping,tax_shipping,nominal,weee,cashondelivery,shippingprotection
before: grand_total,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,reward

after: subtotal,discount,shipping,tax,nominal,subtotal,shipping,nominal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,tax_shipping,weee,subtotal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,nominal,subtotal,shipping,discount,tax_subtotal,freeshipping,tax_shipping,nominal,weee,cashondelivery
before: grand_total,customerbalance,giftcardaccount,reward

after: tax,subtotal,shipping,discount,tax_subtotal,freeshipping,tax_shipping,nominal,weee
before: grand_total,customerbalance,giftcardaccount

after: subtotal,nominal,shipping,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,discount,tax,tax_giftwrapping,cashondelivery,cashondelivery_tax,shippingprotection,shippingprotectiontax
before: customerbalance,giftcardaccount,reward

after: wee,discount,tax,tax_subtotal,grand_total,subtotal,shipping,nominal,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,tax_shipping,weee,subtotal,shipping,discount,tax_subtotal,freeshipping,tax_shipping,nominal,weee,freeshipping,subtotal,subtotal,nominal,subtotal,nominal,shipping,freeshipping,tax_subtotal,discount,tax,tax_giftwrapping
before: giftcardaccount,customerbalance,customerbalance

after: wee,discount,tax,tax_subtotal,grand_total,reward,subtotal,shipping,nominal,freeshipping,tax_shipping,weee
before: customerbalance

after: wee,discount,tax,tax_subtotal,grand_total,reward,giftcardaccount,subtotal,shipping,nominal,freeshipping,tax_shipping,weee


After Vinai's answer I added more debug code

$fp = fopen('/tmp/dotfile','w');
fwrite($fp,"digraph TotalOrder
foreach($configArray as $code=>$data) {
    $_code = $data['_code'];
    foreach($data['before'] as $beforeCode) {
        fwrite($fp,"$beforeCode -> $_code;
    foreach($data['after'] as $afterCode) {
        fwrite($fp,"$_code -> $afterCode;

And visualized it with graphviz: dot -Tpng dotfile > viz.png. That's the result of the first try. Called after the sorting.


I think this is pretty useless.

So I made a visualization of the array before merging the after/before entries. (right after $configArray = $this->_modelsConfig;)

This is it without my shippingprotectiontax entry:

This is it with my shippingprotectiontax entry:

I do not see any clear contradictions.


Config array just before uasort:

array (
  'nominal' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'sales/quote_address_total_nominal',
    'before' => 
    array (
      0 => 'subtotal',
      1 => 'grand_total',
    'renderer' => 'checkout/total_nominal',
    'after' => 
    array (
    '_code' => 'nominal',
  'subtotal' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'sales/quote_address_total_subtotal',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'nominal',
    'before' => 
    array (
      0 => 'grand_total',
      1 => 'shipping',
      2 => 'freeshipping',
      3 => 'tax_subtotal',
      4 => 'discount',
      5 => 'tax',
      6 => 'weee',
      7 => 'giftwrapping',
      8 => 'cashondelivery',
      9 => 'cashondelivery_tax',
      10 => 'shippingprotection',
      11 => 'shippingprotectiontax',
    'renderer' => 'tax/checkout_subtotal',
    'admin_renderer' => 'adminhtml/sales_order_create_totals_subtotal',
    '_code' => 'subtotal',
  'shipping' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'sales/quote_address_total_shipping',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'subtotal',
      1 => 'freeshipping',
      2 => 'tax_subtotal',
      3 => 'nominal',
    'before' => 
    array (
      0 => 'grand_total',
      1 => 'discount',
      2 => 'tax_shipping',
      3 => 'tax',
      4 => 'cashondelivery',
      5 => 'cashondelivery_tax',
      6 => 'shippingprotection',
      7 => 'shippingprotectiontax',
    'renderer' => 'tax/checkout_shipping',
    'admin_renderer' => 'adminhtml/sales_order_create_totals_shipping',
    '_code' => 'shipping',
  'grand_total' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'sales/quote_address_total_grand',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'subtotal',
      1 => 'nominal',
      2 => 'shipping',
      3 => 'freeshipping',
      4 => 'tax_subtotal',
      5 => 'discount',
      6 => 'tax',
      7 => 'tax_giftwrapping',
      8 => 'cashondelivery',
      9 => 'cashondelivery_tax',
      10 => 'shippingprotection',
      11 => 'shippingprotectiontax',
    'renderer' => 'tax/checkout_grandtotal',
    'admin_renderer' => 'adminhtml/sales_order_create_totals_grandtotal',
    'before' => 
    array (
      0 => 'customerbalance',
      1 => 'giftcardaccount',
      2 => 'reward',
    '_code' => 'grand_total',
  'freeshipping' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'salesrule/quote_freeshipping',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'subtotal',
      1 => 'nominal',
    'before' => 
    array (
      0 => 'tax_subtotal',
      1 => 'shipping',
      2 => 'grand_total',
      3 => 'tax',
      4 => 'discount',
    '_code' => 'freeshipping',
  'discount' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'salesrule/quote_discount',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'subtotal',
      1 => 'shipping',
      2 => 'nominal',
      3 => 'freeshipping',
      4 => 'tax_subtotal',
      5 => 'tax_shipping',
      6 => 'weee',
    'before' => 
    array (
      0 => 'grand_total',
      1 => 'tax',
      2 => 'customerbalance',
      3 => 'giftcardaccount',
      4 => 'reward',
      5 => 'cashondelivery',
      6 => 'cashondelivery_tax',
      7 => 'shippingprotection',
      8 => 'shippingprotectiontax',
    'renderer' => 'tax/checkout_discount',
    'admin_renderer' => 'adminhtml/sales_order_create_totals_discount',
    '_code' => 'discount',
  'tax_subtotal' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'tax/sales_total_quote_subtotal',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'freeshipping',
      1 => 'subtotal',
      2 => 'subtotal',
      3 => 'nominal',
    'before' => 
    array (
      0 => 'tax',
      1 => 'discount',
      2 => 'shipping',
      3 => 'grand_total',
      4 => 'weee',
      5 => 'customerbalance',
      6 => 'giftcardaccount',
      7 => 'reward',
    '_code' => 'tax_subtotal',
  'tax_shipping' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'tax/sales_total_quote_shipping',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'shipping',
      1 => 'subtotal',
      2 => 'freeshipping',
      3 => 'tax_subtotal',
      4 => 'nominal',
    'before' => 
    array (
      0 => 'tax',
      1 => 'discount',
      2 => 'grand_total',
      3 => 'grand_total',
    '_code' => 'tax_shipping',
  'tax' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'tax/sales_total_quote_tax',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'subtotal',
      1 => 'shipping',
      2 => 'discount',
      3 => 'tax_subtotal',
      4 => 'freeshipping',
      5 => 'tax_shipping',
      6 => 'nominal',
      7 => 'weee',
      8 => 'cashondelivery',
      9 => 'shippingprotection',
    'before' => 
    array (
      0 => 'grand_total',
      1 => 'customerbalance',
      2 => 'giftcardaccount',
      3 => 'tax_giftwrapping',
      4 => 'reward',
      5 => 'cashondelivery_tax',
      6 => 'shippingprotectiontax',
    'renderer' => 'tax/checkout_tax',
    'admin_renderer' => 'adminhtml/sales_order_create_totals_tax',
    '_code' => 'tax',
  'weee' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'weee/total_quote_weee',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'subtotal',
      1 => 'tax_subtotal',
      2 => 'nominal',
      3 => 'freeshipping',
      4 => 'subtotal',
      5 => 'subtotal',
      6 => 'nominal',
    'before' => 
    array (
      0 => 'tax',
      1 => 'discount',
      2 => 'grand_total',
      3 => 'grand_total',
      4 => 'tax',
    '_code' => 'weee',
  'customerbalance' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'enterprise_customerbalance/total_quote_customerbalance',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'wee',
      1 => 'discount',
      2 => 'tax',
      3 => 'tax_subtotal',
      4 => 'grand_total',
      5 => 'reward',
      6 => 'giftcardaccount',
      7 => 'subtotal',
      8 => 'shipping',
      9 => 'nominal',
      10 => 'freeshipping',
      11 => 'tax_shipping',
      12 => 'weee',
    'renderer' => 'enterprise_customerbalance/checkout_total',
    'before' => 
    array (
    '_code' => 'customerbalance',
  'giftcardaccount' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'enterprise_giftcardaccount/total_quote_giftcardaccount',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'wee',
      1 => 'discount',
      2 => 'tax',
      3 => 'tax_subtotal',
      4 => 'grand_total',
      5 => 'reward',
      6 => 'subtotal',
      7 => 'shipping',
      8 => 'nominal',
      9 => 'freeshipping',
      11 => 'tax_shipping',
      12 => 'weee',
    'before' => 
    array (
      0 => 'customerbalance',
    'renderer' => 'enterprise_giftcardaccount/checkout_cart_total',
    '_code' => 'giftcardaccount',
  'giftwrapping' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'enterprise_giftwrapping/total_quote_giftwrapping',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'subtotal',
      1 => 'nominal',
    'renderer' => 'enterprise_giftwrapping/checkout_totals',
    'before' => 
    array (
    '_code' => 'giftwrapping',
  'tax_giftwrapping' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'enterprise_giftwrapping/total_quote_tax_giftwrapping',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'tax',
      1 => 'subtotal',
      2 => 'shipping',
      3 => 'discount',
      4 => 'tax_subtotal',
      5 => 'freeshipping',
      6 => 'tax_shipping',
      7 => 'nominal',
      8 => 'weee',
    'before' => 
    array (
      0 => 'grand_total',
      1 => 'customerbalance',
      2 => 'giftcardaccount',
    '_code' => 'tax_giftwrapping',
  'reward' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'enterprise_reward/total_quote_reward',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'wee',
      1 => 'discount',
      2 => 'tax',
      3 => 'tax_subtotal',
      4 => 'grand_total',
      5 => 'subtotal',
      6 => 'shipping',
      7 => 'nominal',
      8 => 'freeshipping',
      9 => 'tax_subtotal',
      10 => 'tax_shipping',
      11 => 'weee',
      12 => 'subtotal',
      13 => 'shipping',
      14 => 'discount',
      15 => 'tax_subtotal',
      16 => 'freeshipping',
      17 => 'tax_shipping',
      18 => 'nominal',
      19 => 'weee',
      20 => 'freeshipping',
      21 => 'subtotal',
      22 => 'subtotal',
      23 => 'nominal',
      24 => 'subtotal',
      25 => 'nominal',
      26 => 'shipping',
      27 => 'freeshipping',
      28 => 'tax_subtotal',
      29 => 'discount',
      30 => 'tax',
      31 => 'tax_giftwrapping',
    'before' => 
    array (
      0 => 'giftcardaccount',
      1 => 'customerbalance',
      2 => 'customerbalance',
    'renderer' => 'enterprise_reward/checkout_total',
    '_code' => 'reward',
  'cashondelivery' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'cashondelivery/quote_total',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'subtotal',
      1 => 'discount',
      2 => 'shipping',
      3 => 'nominal',
      4 => 'subtotal',
      5 => 'shipping',
      6 => 'nominal',
      7 => 'freeshipping',
      8 => 'tax_subtotal',
      9 => 'tax_shipping',
      10 => 'weee',
      11 => 'subtotal',
      12 => 'freeshipping',
      13 => 'tax_subtotal',
      14 => 'nominal',
    'before' => 
    array (
      0 => 'tax',
      1 => 'grand_total',
      2 => 'grand_total',
      3 => 'customerbalance',
      4 => 'giftcardaccount',
      5 => 'tax_giftwrapping',
      6 => 'reward',
      7 => 'customerbalance',
      8 => 'giftcardaccount',
      9 => 'reward',
    'renderer' => 'cashondelivery/checkout_cod',
    'admin_renderer' => 'cashondelivery/adminhtml_sales_order_create_totals_cod',
    '_code' => 'cashondelivery',
  'cashondelivery_tax' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'cashondelivery/quote_taxTotal',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'subtotal',
      1 => 'discount',
      2 => 'shipping',
      3 => 'tax',
      4 => 'nominal',
      5 => 'subtotal',
      6 => 'shipping',
      7 => 'nominal',
      8 => 'freeshipping',
      9 => 'tax_subtotal',
      10 => 'tax_shipping',
      11 => 'weee',
      12 => 'subtotal',
      13 => 'freeshipping',
      14 => 'tax_subtotal',
      15 => 'nominal',
      16 => 'subtotal',
      17 => 'shipping',
      18 => 'discount',
      19 => 'tax_subtotal',
      20 => 'freeshipping',
      21 => 'tax_shipping',
      22 => 'nominal',
      23 => 'weee',
      24 => 'cashondelivery',
    'before' => 
    array (
      0 => 'grand_total',
      1 => 'customerbalance',
      2 => 'giftcardaccount',
      3 => 'reward',
    '_code' => 'cashondelivery_tax',
  'shippingprotection' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'n98_shippingprotection/quote_address_total_shippingprotection',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'subtotal',
      1 => 'discount',
      2 => 'shipping',
      3 => 'nominal',
      4 => 'subtotal',
      5 => 'shipping',
      6 => 'nominal',
      7 => 'freeshipping',
      8 => 'tax_subtotal',
      9 => 'tax_shipping',
      10 => 'weee',
      11 => 'subtotal',
      12 => 'freeshipping',
      13 => 'tax_subtotal',
      14 => 'nominal',
    'before' => 
    array (
      0 => 'tax',
      1 => 'grand_total',
      2 => 'grand_total',
      3 => 'customerbalance',
      4 => 'giftcardaccount',
      5 => 'tax_giftwrapping',
      6 => 'reward',
      7 => 'cashondelivery_tax',
      8 => 'customerbalance',
      9 => 'giftcardaccount',
      10 => 'reward',
    '_code' => 'shippingprotection',
  'shippingprotectiontax' => 
  array (
    'class' => 'n98_shippingprotection/quote_address_total_shippingprotectionTax',
    'after' => 
    array (
      0 => 'subtotal',
      1 => 'discount',
      2 => 'shipping',
      3 => 'tax',
      4 => 'nominal',
      5 => 'subtotal',
      6 => 'shipping',
      7 => 'nominal',
      8 => 'freeshipping',
      9 => 'tax_subtotal',
      10 => 'tax_shipping',
      11 => 'weee',
      12 => 'subtotal',
      13 => 'freeshipping',
      14 => 'tax_subtotal',
      15 => 'nominal',
      16 => 'subtotal',
      17 => 'shipping',
      18 => 'discount',
      19 => 'tax_subtotal',
      20 => 'freeshipping',
      21 => 'tax_shipping',
      22 => 'nominal',
      23 => 'weee',
      24 => 'cashondelivery',
      25 => 'shippingprotection',
    'before' => 
    array (
      0 => 'grand_total',
      1 => 'customerbalance',
      2 => 'giftcardaccount',
      3 => 'reward',
    '_code' => 'shippingprotectiontax',

Update: Magento Bug Ticket: https://jira.magento.com/browse/MCACE-129


So finally, here is my patch for this issue.

It implements topological sorting as suggested by Vinai.

  1. Copy app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Config/Ordered.php to app/code/local/Mage/Sales/Model/Config/Ordered.php
  2. Save the contents of the patch to a file total-sorting.patch and call patch -p0 app/code/local/Mage/Sales/Model/Config/Ordered.php

In case of upgrades make sure to re-apply these steps.

The patch is tested to work with Magento

--- app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Config/Ordered.php   2012-08-14 14:19:50.306504947 +0200
+++ app/code/local/Mage/Sales/Model/Config/Ordered.php  2012-08-15 10:00:47.027003404 +0200
@@ -121,6 +121,78 @@
         return $totalConfig;

+    /**
+     * Topological sort
+     *
+     * Copyright: http://www.calcatraz.com/blog/php-topological-sort-function-384
+     * And fix see comment on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11953021/topological-sorting-in-php
+     *
+     * @param $nodeids Node Ids
+     * @param $edges Array of Edges. Each edge is specified as an array with two elements: The source and destination node of the edge
+     * @return array|null
+     */
+    function topological_sort($nodeids, $edges) {
+        $L = $S = $nodes = array();
+        foreach($nodeids as $id) {
+            $nodes[$id] = array('in'=>array(), 'out'=>array());
+            foreach($edges as $e) {
+                if ($id==$e[0]) { $nodes[$id]['out'][]=$e[1]; }
+                if ($id==$e[1]) { $nodes[$id]['in'][]=$e[0]; }
+            }
+        }
+        foreach ($nodes as $id=>$n) { if (empty($n['in'])) $S[]=$id; }
+        while ($id = array_shift($S)) {
+            if (!in_array($id, $L)) {
+                $L[] = $id;
+                foreach($nodes[$id]['out'] as $m) {
+                    $nodes[$m]['in'] = array_diff($nodes[$m]['in'], array($id));
+                    if (empty($nodes[$m]['in'])) { $S[] = $m; }
+                }
+                $nodes[$id]['out'] = array();
+            }
+        }
+        foreach($nodes as $n) {
+            if (!empty($n['in']) or !empty($n['out'])) {
+                return null; // not sortable as graph is cyclic
+            }
+        }
+        return $L;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sort config array
+     *
+     * public to be easily accessable by test
+     *
+     * @param $configArray
+     * @return array
+     */
+    public function _topSortConfigArray($configArray)
+    {
+        $nodes = array_keys($configArray);
+        $edges = array();
+        foreach ($configArray as $code => $data) {
+            $_code = $data['_code'];
+            if (!isset($configArray[$_code])) continue;
+            foreach ($data['before'] as $beforeCode) {
+                if (!isset($configArray[$beforeCode])) continue;
+                $edges[] = array($_code, $beforeCode);
+            }
+            foreach ($data['after'] as $afterCode) {
+                if (!isset($configArray[$afterCode])) continue;
+                $edges[] = array($afterCode, $_code);
+            }
+        }
+        return $this->topological_sort($nodes, $edges);
+    }
      * Aggregate before/after information from all items and sort totals based on this data
@@ -138,38 +210,16 @@
         // invoke simple sorting if the first element contains the "sort_order" key
         $element = current($configArray);
+        // [PATCHED CODE BEGIN]
         if (isset($element['sort_order'])) {
             uasort($configArray, array($this, '_compareSortOrder'));
+            $sortedCollectors = array_keys($configArray);
         } else {
-            foreach ($configArray as $code => $data) {
-                foreach ($data['before'] as $beforeCode) {
-                    if (!isset($configArray[$beforeCode])) {
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    $configArray[$code]['before'] = array_unique(array_merge(
-                        $configArray[$code]['before'], $configArray[$beforeCode]['before']
-                    ));
-                    $configArray[$beforeCode]['after'] = array_merge(
-                        $configArray[$beforeCode]['after'], array($code), $data['after']
-                    );
-                    $configArray[$beforeCode]['after'] = array_unique($configArray[$beforeCode]['after']);
-                }
-                foreach ($data['after'] as $afterCode) {
-                    if (!isset($configArray[$afterCode])) {
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    $configArray[$code]['after'] = array_unique(array_merge(
-                        $configArray[$code]['after'], $configArray[$afterCode]['after']
-                    ));
-                    $configArray[$afterCode]['before'] = array_merge(
-                        $configArray[$afterCode]['before'], array($code), $data['before']
-                    );
-                    $configArray[$afterCode]['before'] = array_unique($configArray[$afterCode]['before']);
-                }
-            }
-            uasort($configArray, array($this, '_compareTotals'));
+            $sortedCollectors = $this->_topSortConfigArray($configArray);
-        $sortedCollectors = array_keys($configArray);
+        // [PATCHED CODE END]
         if (Mage::app()->useCache('config')) {
             Mage::app()->saveCache(serialize($sortedCollectors), $this->_collectorsCacheKey, array(
@@ -196,27 +246,6 @@

-     * Callback that uses after/before for comparison
-     *
-     * @param   array $a
-     * @param   array $b
-     * @return  int
-     */
-    protected function _compareTotals($a, $b)
-    {
-        $aCode = $a['_code'];
-        $bCode = $b['_code'];
-        if (in_array($aCode, $b['after']) || in_array($bCode, $a['before'])) {
-            $res = -1;
-        } elseif (in_array($bCode, $a['after']) || in_array($aCode, $b['before'])) {
-            $res = 1;
-        } else {
-            $res = 0;
-        }
-        return $res;
-    }
-    /**
      * Callback that uses sort_order for comparison
      * @param array $a

EDIT: There is also another suggested change (for Magento 2): https://github.com/magento/magento2/pull/49

这篇关于排序算法:Magento 结帐总额排序错误导致运费计算错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一条:Magento 的当前用户? 下一条:自动在 Magento 中创建购物车价格规则

