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    2. CCScrollView 滚动和触摸事件永远不会触发

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                本文介绍了CCScrollView 滚动和触摸事件永远不会触发的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我找不到任何有用的教程或关于如何使用 CCScrollView 的说明.我有一个精灵和标签的网格布局(列出 iOS 游戏的成就).屏幕上放不下的东西太多了,所以我希望用户能够滚动.

                I can't find any helpful tutorials or explanation on how to use a CCScrollView. I have a grid-layout of sprites and labels (listing achievements for an iOS game). There are more than can fit on the screen so I want the user to be able to scroll.


                To scroll, the user would swipe/pan upwards, to reveal the sprites etc which are lower.


                I've found a few code samples and they seem to indicate you just need to add your content node to the scroll node and it will take care of the rest.


                It doesn't seem to work. There's no scroll, and the pan/touch events on the scroll layer never seem to fire. The close button I have at the same child (sibling to the scroll view) no longer works as well.

                我没有使用 SpriteBuilder.

                I'm not using SpriteBuilder.

                // Node to hold all sprites/labels
                scrollContents = [CCNode node];
                // I add a bunch of sprites/labels in a grid view
                for( NSString *key in badgeKeys ){
                    // logic to load the sprite would be here
                    CCSprite *badge = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrame:frame];
                    badge.positionType = CCPositionTypeNormalized;
                    badge.position = ccp(xPos,yPos);
                    [scrollContents addChild:badge];
                    // some logic to increment x/y position logic, for grid layout
                // Scroll view
                scrollView = [[CCScrollView alloc] initWithContentNode:scrollContents];
                scrollView.horizontalScrollEnabled = NO;
                scrollView.verticalScrollEnabled = YES;
                [scrollView setBounces:NO];
                // My sprites never even show unless I manually set this
                scrollContents.contentSize = CGSizeMake(self.contentSize.width,960);
                NSLog(@"scrollContents contentsize: %f %f", scrollContents.contentSize.width,scrollContents.contentSize.height);
                [self addChild:scrollView];



                ok, here is a working example (i deconstructed part of my code to give you a fully working code sample) of a scrolling menu with 'live' buttons inside. I just tested this 'deconstruction' , it works

                - (void) scrollingMenuWithCharmsTest {
                //    setup something to scroll
                GameInventory *gi = [GameInventory sharedGameInventory];
                while (gi.armorCharms.count < 20) {
                    [gi addArmorCharm:[ArmorCharm createRandomArmorCharm]];
                CCNode *contentNode = [self charmsContentNodeFor:gi.armorCharms
                // setup a clipping node to crop out the CCScrollingMenu
                CCNodeColor *ccn = [CCNodeColor nodeWithColor:[CCColor blackColor] width:180 height:200];
                ccn.anchorPoint = ccp(0, 0);
                CCClippingNode *cn = [CCClippingNode clippingNodeWithStencil:ccn];
                cn.alphaThreshold = 0.05f;
                [self addChild:cn];
                cn.inverted            = NO;
                cn.positionInPointsV   = ccp(50, 50);
                cn.anchorPoint         = ccp(0, 0);
                cn.contentSizeInPoints = CGSizeMake(180, 200);
                // setup scrolling menu
                CCScrollView * bsm = [[CCScrollView alloc] initWithContentNode:contentNode];
                [cn addChild:bsm];
                bsm.position                = ccp(0, 0);
                bsm.bounces                 = YES;
                bsm.pagingEnabled           = NO;
                bsm.verticalScrollEnabled   = YES;
                bsm.horizontalScrollEnabled = NO;
                bsm.contentSizeInPoints = CGSizeMake(180, 200); // inPoints only after the node has a parent
                for (CharmAbstractBoxMenuItem *lmi in bsm.contentNode.children) {
                    TRACE(@"item %@ is at %@", lmi.item.description, NSStringFromCGPoint(lmi.positionInPointsV));
                TRACE(@"number of pages : %i", bsm.numVerticalPages);
                - (CCNode *)charmsContentNodeFor:(NSDictionary *)keyedItems
                                        selector:(SEL)inSelector {
                NSSortDescriptor *sortOrder  = [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"self" ascending:YES];
                NSArray          *sortedKeys = [[keyedItems allKeys] sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:sortOrder]];
                float initialY = 0;
                float currentY = initialY;
                NSUInteger      itemNumber   = 0;
                CGFloat         width        = 0;
                CGFloat         height       = 0;
                CCNode          *contentNode = [CCNode node];
                for (NSUInteger loopi        = 0; loopi < [sortedKeys count]; loopi++) {
                    NSString      *key = [sortedKeys objectAtIndex:loopi];
                    CharmAbstract *ci  = [keyedItems objectForKey:key];
                    if (ci) {
                        CharmAbstractBoxMenuItem *cmi = [CharmAbstractBoxMenuItem itemBoxFor:ci
                        cmi.toolTip  = ci.toolTip;
                        cmi.position = ccp(deviceOffset(0), currentY);
                        cmi.key      = key;
                        [contentNode addChild:cmi z:0 name:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%li", (long) itemNumber]];
                        currentY += cmi.contentSizeInPoints.height + inSpacing;
                        if (cmi.contentSize.width > width) width = cmi.contentSize.width;
                        height += cmi.contentSize.height;
                        if (loopi < sortedKeys.count - 1) height += inSpacing;
                    else {
                        MPLOG(@"*** Key [%@] yielded no items.", key);
                contentNode.contentSizeType = CCSizeTypePoints;
                contentNode.contentSize     = CGSizeMake(width, height);
                return contentNode;


                • 我为您提供了我的构建内容节点"例程,以便您了解位置和大小的来龙去脉.
                • 我的 charmBoxMenuItems 派生自 'CCButton' 并且很热......在此代码片段的完整版本中,我扩展了 CCScrollView 以防止按钮在裁剪区域之外变得热"(尽管它们已从视图中裁剪出来,默认情况下,它们仍然是可见的",并且可以在裁剪区域上方或下方发生随机点击时做出响应).
                • 要使用模板裁剪节点,您需要在 setupCocos2dWithOptions 行中添加:

                • i gave you my 'build content node' routine so you know the ins and outs of positions and sizes.
                • my charmBoxMenuItemss derive from 'CCButton' and are hot ... In the full version of this code snippet, i extended CCScrollView to prevent the buttons from being 'hot' outside the crop area (although they are cropped out from view, they are still 'visible' by default, and could respond when a random tap occurs above or below the crop area).
                • For clipping node with stencil, you need to add this in your setupCocos2dWithOptions line:

                CCSetupDepthFormat : [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_OES]

                CCSetupDepthFormat : [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_OES]

                这篇关于CCScrollView 滚动和触摸事件永远不会触发的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:矩形和圆形碰撞检测 下一篇:带有 CCLayer for iOS 6 的 Cocos2d 横向 Gamecenter 身份验证


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