我目前正在为我的游戏使用 Cocos2d FrameWork.我需要更改 CCLabelTTF 中的背景颜色.我知道如何设置字体颜色,谁能告诉我如何更改 CCLabelTTF 对象的背景颜色.
I am currently using Cocos2d FrameWork for my Game. I need to change the background color in a CCLabelTTF.I know how to set font color, can someone please tell me how to change background color of the CCLabelTTF object.
CCLabelTTF *nameLabel=[CCLabelTTF labelWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[plyName objectAtIndex:i]] fontName:@"Arial" fontSize:20];
nameLabel.color=ccc3(245, 222, 179);
[self addChild:nameLabel];
This is my sample code for adding Label. Any ideas?
You can not set the background color of a CCLabelTTF.
What you can do is to display a single color CCSprite behind the label, or use CCLayerColor in the background with the same width and height of the label.