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                I have a spinner widget in my activity which lets users pick a list name.


                Normally, the function of the spinner is to switch between lists but for a couple of instances, I swap out the selection change listener to perform a different function with the same list of options. Once the selection has been made, the old listener is restored and life goes on.


                This is a bad and buggy arrangement. Instead, I would like to have a function that just takes a selection listener and some other parameters and shows a popup list that's populated by the same cursor (or and identical cursor) as the spinner, without using the spinner itself.


                Is there any way I can do this?


                使用 AlertDialog.Builder 并通过 setAdapter() 提供一个 Adapter生成你的行.

                Use AlertDialog.Builder and supply an Adapter via setAdapter() that generates your rows.

                在您的情况下,我不会使用相同的 Cursor,因为 Cursor 具有当前行的固有概念,因此会弄乱 Cursor 当你的 SpinnerAdapter 使用它时,可能会搞砸 Spinner.使用相同的 Cursor.

                In your case, I would not use the same Cursor, as a Cursor has an intrinsic notion of the current row, and so messing with the Cursor while it is used by your SpinnerAdapter could screw up the Spinner. Go with an identical Cursor.


                上一篇:android蜂窝中的弹出/覆盖屏幕 下一篇:用于说明的小弹出窗口,例如四方的


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