目前我正在检查应用程序版本代码,并将其与我服务器上的最新版本代码匹配,并根据此匹配发送用户从 Android 市场获取最新更新.
Currently I'm checking the app version code on launch and match it with latest version code on my server and based on this matching I send user to get latest update from Android market.
它运行良好,但我的问题是我必须手动更改服务器上的最新版本代码,而且我不知道新版本的 APK
It's working well but my problem is that I have to manually change the latest version code on my server and I don't know exactly when new version of APK
gets activated in market.
Is there any way to check version code of app in Android market directly so that I can send user directly to market when new apk gets activated?
Google Play 不提供任何用于检索元数据的官方 API.但是,您可以在 http://code.google.com/p/android-market- 查看非官方 APIapi/.
Google Play does not provide any official APIs for retrieving metadata. You could however, check the unofficial API at http://code.google.com/p/android-market-api/.
具体来说,请查看 Wiki 页面 HowToSearchApps.查询的响应包含版本信息:
Specifically, take a look at the Wiki page HowToSearchApps. The response to the query contains version information:
"app": [
"rating": "4.642857142857143",
"title": "Ruboto IRB",
"ratingsCount": 14,
"creator": "Jan Berkel",
"appType": "APPLICATION",
"id": "9089465703133677000",
"packageName": "org.jruby.ruboto.irb",
"version": "0.1",
"versionCode": 1,
"creatorId": ""Jan Berkel"",
"ExtendedInfo": {
"category": "Tools",
"permissionId": [
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