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        UIWebView 和 Safari 对比

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                  本文介绍了UIWebView 和 Safari 对比的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  1. UIWebView 是否使用与 Mobile Safari 相同的 JavaScript 引擎?

                  1. Does UIWebView use the same JavaScript engine as Mobile Safari?

                  另外,UIWebView 是否像 Mobile Safari 一样支持所有 HTML5 功能?我特别关心 Web SQL 和 Web Workers

                  Also, does UIWebView support all HTML5 features like Mobile Safari does? I am specifically concerned about Web SQL and Web Workers

                  如果我有一个纯粹用 HTML 和 JS 编写的应用程序,我应该将它封装在 UIWebView 中还是应该在 Mobile Safari 中打开它

                  If I have an app which is written purely in HTML and JS, should I wrap it up in a UIWebView or should I have it open in Mobile Safari

                  Apple Store 是否接受纯 HTML 和 JS 应用程序?

                  Are pure HTML and JS apps accepted on the Apple store?


                  UIWebView 是否使用与 Mobile Safari 相同的 JavaScript 引擎?

                  Does UIWebView use the same JavaScript engine as Mobile Safari?

                  UIWebView 没有 Nitro Javascript 引擎,因此它执行 JS 的速度比 Mobile Safari 慢.所以不一样.

                  UIWebView does not have the Nitro Javascript engine, so it executes JS slower than Mobile Safari. So it's not the same.

                  另外,UIWebView 是否像 Mobile Safari 一样支持所有 HTML5 功能?我特别关心 Web SQL 和 Web Workers

                  Also, does UIWebView support all HTML5 features like Mobile Safari does? I am specifically concerned about Web SQL and Web Workers

                  不确定这个.可能不是.至少 UIWebView 在某些功能上比 Safari 更严格一些.示例:通过JS设置宽高样式时,需要在数字后面加上'px',而Mobile Safari不需要.

                  Not sure about this one. Probably not. At least UIWebView is a bit more strict than Safari on certain features. Example: when setting a width/height style through JS, you need to add 'px' behind the number, while Mobile Safari does not require that.

                  如果我有一个纯粹用 HTML 和 JS 编写的应用程序,我应该将它封装在 UIWebView 中还是应该在 Mobile Safari 中打开它

                  If I have an app which is written purely in HTML and JS, should I wrap it up in a UIWebView or should I have it open in Mobile Safari

                  如果您想在 App Store 上发布应用程序,您必须将其打包.如果没有,您实际上不必这样做.

                  If you want to release the app on the App Store, you will have to wrap it. If not, you don't really have to.

                  Apple Store 是否接受纯 HTML 和 JS 应用程序?

                  Are pure HTML and JS apps accepted on the Apple store?

                  如果你包装它,是的.但正如 James Webster 所写,它有一些局限性.

                  If you wrap it, yes. But it has some limitations, as James Webster wrote.

                  请参阅this question,了解有关两者之间差异的更多信息UIWebView 和 Safari.

                  See this question here on SO for more information on the differences between UIWebView and Safari.

                  这篇关于UIWebView 和 Safari 对比的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:在 UIWebView 中打开弹出链接,可能吗? 下一篇:无法在 Safari 或 UIWebView 中通过 HTTPS 观看 Quicktime 电影


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