I am getting a very puzzling bug that I have no idea how to even begin working through.
我有一个带有一个活动的简单应用程序,视图是用片段实现的.其中一个片段内部有一个 ViewPager;所以我决定我想使用 v4 支持库的 getChildFragmentManager 类.我还必须使用 ActionBarSherlock,这会导致问题,因为它没有随 v4 库的 v11 一起提供.
I have a simple app with one activity, the views are implemented with Fragments. One of the fragments has a ViewPager inside of it; so I decided I that I wanted to use the getChildFragmentManager class of the v4 support library. I also had to use ActionBarSherlock, which caused a problem, because it does not ship with the v11 of the v4 library.
我通过将 ABS 中的 v4 支持库替换为 v11 库来解决此问题,并且所有内容都已编译并似乎可以正常工作,包括 ViewPager.
I fixed this by replacing the v4 support library in ABS with the v11 library, and everything compiled and appeared to be working, including the ViewPager.
第一次打开带有 ViewPager 的 Fragment,它可以正常工作;但是第二次导航到,应用程序崩溃,给出一个无用的堆栈跟踪.通过调试,我发现问题出在 getChildFragmentManager 返回的 FragmentManager 上;它抛出无活动错误.
The first time the fragment with the ViewPager opens, it works properly; but the SECOND time it is navigated to, the app crashes, giving a useless stack trace. From debugging, I discovered that the problem was with the FragmentManager returned by getChildFragmentManager; it throws the No Activity error.
Does anybody have any idea what could be causing this?
I will post code that you think is relevant.
我点击了 jeremyvillalobos answer 中的链接(其中非常有帮助)这导致我这个解决方法.
I followed the link in jeremyvillalobos answer (which was very helpful) that led me to this workaround.
public class CustomFragment extends Fragment {
private static final Field sChildFragmentManagerField;
static {
Field f = null;
try {
f = Fragment.class.getDeclaredField("mChildFragmentManager");
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Error getting mChildFragmentManager field", e);
sChildFragmentManagerField = f;
public void onDetach() {
if (sChildFragmentManagerField != null) {
try {
sChildFragmentManagerField.set(this, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(LOGTAG, "Error setting mChildFragmentManager field", e);
It works for me well, without the need to reinstantiate the fragment.
这篇关于仅在第二次导航到 Fragment 时导致 java.IllegalStateException 错误,No Activity的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!