是否可以将蓝牙聊天示例与 PC 连接?如何将信息接收到 PC?我认为我可以使用 Android 设备中的串行端口配置文件 (SPP) 并在 PC 上打开一个常规的 COM 终端.实际上,我的应用程序需要将加速度计和其他传感器信息发送到 PC 以了解智能手机的位置.我希望你能帮助我.
Is it possible to connect the Bluetooth Chat sample with a PC? How can I receive the information to the PC? I thought that I can use the Serial Port Profile (SPP) from the Android device and open a regular COM Terminal on the PC. Actually my application requires sending the accelerometers and other sensors information to a PC in order to know the position of the smartphone. I hope you can help me.
你问了一个一般性的问题,所以我能做的最好的就是给你一个一般性的答案.这是一个两方面的问题.听起来你知道你在 android 端做什么,但我们是你在 PC 端绊倒.对?就PC端而言,您基本上需要实现蓝牙服务器".您可以使用 bluecove 库或标准 javax.bluetooth 库.
You've asked a general question, so the best I can do is give you a general answer. This is a two prong problem. It sounds like you know what you're doing on the android side of things, but we're you're stumbling is on the PC side. Right? As far as PC side goes, you're basically going to need to implement a "bluetooth server". You can use the bluecove library or the standard javax.bluetooth library.