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    1. <tfoot id='f07bT'></tfoot>
      1. 在快速的代表数组中查找代表

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                2. 本文介绍了在快速的代表数组中查找代表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我想在删除之前检查我的 removeDelegate 方法中是否已经有一个委托.我怎么做?

                  I want to check if I already have a delegate in my removeDelegate method before removing. How do I do that?


                  protocol LocationManagerDelegate {
                      func locationManagerDidUpdateLocation(
                          oldLocation: CLLocationCoordinate2D,
                          currentLocation: CLLocationCoordinate2D
                  class LocationManager: NSObject {
                      private var _delegates = [LocationManagerDelegate]()
                      func removeDelegate(delegate:LocationManagerDelegate) {
                          if contains(_delegates, delegate) {
                              // Remove delegate

                  但是,这在if contains"行上给了我以下错误:

                  However, this gives me the following error on the 'if contains' line:

                  无法使用类型为(@lvalue Array!, LocationManagerDelegate)"的参数列表调用contains"

                  cannot invoke 'contains' with an argument list of type '(@lvalue Array< LocationManagerDelegate >!, LocationManagerDelegate)'


                  Swift 4.2 更新:


                  Assuming that the delegates are actually instances of a class, you could require that in the protocol by "inheriting" from "class":

                  protocol LocationManagerDelegate: class {
                      // ...

                  然后使用 firstIndex(where:) 方法,使用恒等运算符"===:

                  and then use the firstIndex(where:) method, using the "identity operator ===:

                  class LocationManager: NSObject {
                      private var _delegates = [LocationManagerDelegate]()
                      func removeDelegate(delegate:LocationManagerDelegate) {
                          if let index = _delegates.firstIndex(where: { $0 === delegate }) {
                              _delegates.remove(at: index)

                  旧答案(Swift 1):


                  There are two slightly different contains() functions:

                  func contains<S : SequenceType where S.Generator.Element : Equatable>(seq: S, x: S.Generator.Element) -> Bool
                  func contains<S : SequenceType, L : BooleanType>(seq: S, predicate: (S.Generator.Element) -> L) -> Bool

                  您使用的是第一个,它要求序列元素符合Equatable 协议,即它们可以与 == 进行比较.

                  You are using the first one, which requires that the sequence elements conform to the Equatable protocol, i.e. they can be compared with ==.


                  Assuming that the delegates are actually instances of a class, you could require that in the protocol by "inheriting" from "class":

                  protocol LocationManagerDelegate : class {
                      // ...

                  然后将 contains() 的第二个基于谓词的版本与身份运算符 ===:

                  and then use the second, predicate-based version of contains() with the identity operator ===:

                  func removeDelegate(delegate:LocationManagerDelegate) {
                      if contains(_delegates, { $0 === delegate }) {
                          // Remove delegate

                  要从数组中删除对象,您必须获取它的索引,因此您可以使用https://stackoverflow.com/a/25543084/1187415 中的 findIdenticalObject() 函数:

                  To remove the object from the array you'll have to get its index, so you might use the findIdenticalObject() function from https://stackoverflow.com/a/25543084/1187415:

                  func findIdenticalObject<T : AnyObject>(array: [T], value: T) -> Int? {
                      for (index, elem) in enumerate(array) {
                          if elem === value {
                              return index
                      return nil


                  and then find and remove from the array with

                  func removeDelegate(delegate:LocationManagerDelegate) {
                      if let index = findIdenticalObject(_delegates, delegate) {


                  上一篇:Xcode 故事板委托数据源场景 下一篇:无法在具有@objc 属性的协议中使用自定义类?


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