我必须在通用应用程序中显示一个图像视图,它的大小应该随着每个设备的屏幕设计而增加,而不会降低图像质量.给 imageview 的图像是静态图像.如果我使用大小类使用静态宽度和高度约束,它将起作用.但我不认为这是正确的方法.如果我使用宽度 &高度与超级视图成比例,它增加了图像高度,但在 ipad 中图像清晰度降低.任何建议都会有所帮助.
I have to show an imageview in a universal app ans it's size should increase as the screen design in every devices without reducing image quality. The image given to the imageview is a static image. If I use static width and height constraints using size classes it will work. But I don't think it as the correct way. If i use width & height Proportional to the superview, it increases the image height but image clarity reduced in ipads. Any suggestion will be helpfull.
为了使 Imageviewsize 尊重设备以适应通用应用,您需要为 imageview 提供正确的倍数.
To make Imageviewsize respect to device for universal application , you need to give correct multipler to imageview.
please follow step to get desire output,
第 1 步:- 将 Aspect Ratio 设置为您的 imageview .(您也可以设置前导和试行 top 、 bottom 等,然后给出纵横比.)
Step 1 :- Set Aspect Ratio to your imageview . (you can also set leading and trialing top , bottom etc. and then give aspect ratio.)
Aspect ration required to maintain to set image equal width and Height (Square)
第 2 步:- 设置水平居中和垂直居中的 imageview .(根据您的要求会有所不同,您也可以将此步骤作为步骤1,然后设置纵横比)
Step 2 :- Set Horizontal center and vertically center imageview . (it will be differ according to your requirement , you can also take this step as step 1 and then set aspect ratio)
第 3 步:- 从 imageview 将 Equal height 设置为 Superview.
Step 3 :- Set Equal height to Superview from imageview.
(Don't panic , you will get warning to update frames or constrain but don't update it)
第 4 步:- 计算准确的乘数.
imageviewHeight / superview's height = Accurate Multipliar
imageviewheight = 200 , superviewheight=600 so ,
(将倍数设置为图像视图,其中提案高度 = 超级视图)
(set multipler to imageview where proposanal height = superview)
第 5 步:-检查输出到不同的模拟器.
Step 5 :- check output to different simulator.
I hope this detail explanation is enought to understand your question.
这篇关于在不降低图像清晰度的情况下,应该给出哪些约束来增加相对于设备屏幕尺寸的 imageview 的尺寸的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!