假设我有两个小部件布局:Layout1 和 Layout2.小部件的默认值为 Layout1,但我允许用户选择他们希望小部件成为哪种布局.因此,如果用户更改为Layout2,如何以编程方式将布局更改为 Layout2?
Let's say that I have two layouts for a widget: Layout1 and Layout2. The default for the widget is Layout1, but I allow the user to choose which layout they want the widget to be. So if the user changes to Layout2, how do I programmatically change the layout to Layout2?
小部件没有像活动那样的 setContentView 方法.
There isn't a setContentView method for widgets like there is for Activities.
在构建 remoteView 时必须选择布局.在我的小部件代码中:
You have to choose the layout when you're building your remoteView. In my widget code:
public static RemoteViews buildUpdate(Context context, String action) {
RemoteViews updateViews;
SharedPreferences prefs = context.getSharedPreferences(PREFS_NAME, 0);
String typeface = prefs.getString("typeface", "sans");
int layoutId = R.layout.widget_sans;
if ("monospace".equals(typeface)){
layoutId = R.layout.widget_mono;
} else if ("serif".equals(typeface)){
layoutId = R.layout.widget_serif;
updateViews = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(),
//actually do things here
//then finally, return our remoteView
new ComponentName(context, FuzzyWidget.class), updateViews);