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    1. 轻按即可从 SwiftUI 小部件执行深层链接

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                本文介绍了轻按即可从 SwiftUI 小部件执行深层链接的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                I have a simple widget (medium-sized) with two texts, and what I want is to be able to perform a deep link to lead the user to a specific section of my app, but I can't seem to find a way to do so.


                The view I have written (which is very simple):

                HStack {
                    Text("FIRST ITEM")    
                    Text("SECOND ITEM")


                Text("SECOND ITEM")

                Link("SECOND ITEM destination: URL(string: myDeeplinkUrl)!)



                1. Widget视图中你需要创建一个Link并设置它的destination url:
                1. In the Widget view you need to create a Link and set its destination url:

                struct SimpleWidgetEntryView: View {
                    var entry: SimpleProvider.Entry
                    var body: some View {
                        Link(destination: URL(string: "widget://link1")!) {
                            Text("Link 1")

                请注意,Link 仅适用于 mediumlarge 小部件.如果你使用 small Widget,你需要使用:

                Note that Link works in medium and large Widgets only. If you use a small Widget you need to use:

                .widgetURL(URL(string: "widget://link0")!)

                1. 在您的 App 视图中使用 onOpenURL 接收网址:
                1. In your App view receive the url using onOpenURL:

                struct WidgetTestApp: App {
                    var body: some Scene {
                        WindowGroup {
                                .onOpenURL { url in
                                    print("Received deep link: (url)")

                也可以通过覆盖在 SceneDelegate 中接收深层链接:

                It is also possible to receive deep links in the SceneDelegate by overriding:

                func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: Set<UIOpenURLContext>)


                You can find more explanation on how to use this function in this thread:

                • 检测来自 WidgetKit 小部件扩展的应用启动

                这是一个 GitHub 存储库,其中包含不同的 Widget 示例,包括 DeepLink Widget.

                Here is a GitHub repository with different Widget examples including the DeepLink Widget.

                这篇关于轻按即可从 SwiftUI 小部件执行深层链接的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:Android:如何强制更新特定类型的所有小部件 下一篇:按下小部件ListView项目时Android开始活动


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