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      2. android中的Firebase计划通知

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                  我正在使用 firebase 开发一个 android 应用程序,该应用程序应按用户应在应用程序设置中设置的小时数每天推送两次通知.

                  I'm developing an android app using firebase, this app should push notifications twice a day by hours user should set in app settings.

                  我看到至少 2 年前有人问过类似的问题,但没有答案,也许现在有一个选择.

                  I saw a similar question was asked at least 2 years ago, but no answer, maybe now there is an option to do it.

                  无论如何我可以使用 Firebase 实现这一点吗?如果没有,我该如何实现?

                  Is there anyway I can achieve this using Firebase ? If no, how can I achieve it ?


                  您可以安排从 Firebase 控制台发送通知.但这仅限于您手动输入的通知.没有办法安排一天两次"交付,也没有 API 可以以编程方式安排交付.

                  You can schedule sending notifications from the Firebase console. But that is limited to notifications you manually enter. There is no way to schedule "twice a day" delivery, nor is there an API to schedule the delivery programmatically.

                  这意味着您必须自己编写代码来实现它.一种方法是使用 Firebase Cloud Messaging API 发送消息,使用 Firebase 实时数据库(或 Cloud Firestore)存储有关何时何地发送消息的信息,然后 按计划调用云函数到从数据库中读取信息并调用 FCM API.

                  This means that you'll have to write code to implement this yourself. One way to do this would be to use the Firebase Cloud Messaging API to send the messages, use the Firebase Realtime Database (or Cloud Firestore) to store information on when and where to send the messages, and then invoke a Cloud Function on a schedule to read the information from the database and call the FCM API.


                  上一篇:不使用 FCM 通知服务器调用 didReceiveRemoteNotification 函数 下一篇:Firebase FCM 不匹配SenderID


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