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      1. GCM(现在的 FCM)是否有任何限制?

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                • 本文介绍了GCM(现在的 FCM)是否有任何限制?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我想知道 Firebase 云消息传递是否对无限用户免费?

                  I would like to know if Firebase Cloud Messaging is free or not for unlimited users?


                  除了 answer 来自 AL.


                  Firebase 的付费基础架构产品是实时数据库,Firebase 存储、托管和测试实验室.我们为所有人提供免费套餐测试实验室除外.

                  Firebase's paid infrastructure products are the Realtime Database, Firebase Storage, Hosting, and Test Lab. We offer a free tier for all of these products except Test Lab.

                  Firebase 还提供许多免费产品:Analytics、App Indexing、身份验证、动态链接、云消息传递、通知、邀请、崩溃报告和远程配置.你可以无限使用包括我们的免费 Spark 计划在内的所有计划中的数量.

                  Firebase also has many free products: Analytics, App Indexing, Authentication, Dynamic Links, Cloud Messaging, Notifications, Invites, Crash Reporting, &, Remote Config. You can use an unlimited amount of these in all plans, including our free Spark Plan.

                  所以,它是免费的.文档中的任何地方都没有提到该限制,但是如常见问题解答中所述,Firebase 实时数据库存在限制:

                  So, it's free. The limit is not mentioned anywhere in the docs, however there's a limit on the Firebase realtime database, as mentioned in the FAQs:

                  Firebase 对同时连接到应用数据库的数量施加了硬性限制.这些限制旨在保护 Firebase 和我们的用户免受滥用.

                  Firebase imposes hard limits on the number of connections to your app's database at the same time. These limits are in place to protect both Firebase and our users from abuse.

                  免费计划限制为 100,不能提高.烈焰与烈焰计划的初始限制为 10,000 个同时数据库连接.这是为了防止滥用,可以通过联系提出Firebase 支持,24 小时通知.

                  The free plan limit is 100, and cannot be raised. The Flame and Blaze Plans have an initial limit of 10,000 simultaneous database connections. This is to prevent abuse and can be raised by contacting Firebase support with 24 hours notice.


                  This limit isn't the same as the total number of users of your app, because your users don't all connect at once. We encourage you to monitor your peak simultaneous database connections and upgrade if needed.

                  我们正在努力消除最初的 10,000 个同步Flame 和 Blaze 计划上的连接帽.

                  We're working hard to remove the initial 10,000 simultaneous connection cap on the Flame and Blaze plans.

                  因此,如果您使用 Firebase 数据库来保存用户的数据并希望使用存储在 Firebase 数据库中的 FCM 注册令牌向用户的设备发送大量推送通知,那么您可能会达到免费 Spark 计划的限制,但是要达到 10k 的限制真的很难.

                  So if you are using the Firebase Database to save your User's data and want to send a lot of Push Notifications to your user's devices using the FCM registration token stored in the Firebase Database, you might hit the limit in the free Spark plan, however it's really tough to hit the 10k limit.

                  这篇关于GCM(现在的 FCM)是否有任何限制?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:Firebase 云消息传递 - 检查现有或可用主题 下一篇:FCM 默认图标使用无效渐变


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