是否可以在不依赖 Google 的 Firebase 云消息传递 (FCM) 的情况下使用 3rd 方服务发送推送通知?
Can one use a 3rd party service to send Push Notifications without relying on Google's Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)?
如果默认情况下应用程序不包含 Firebase 软件包,创建/使用自定义框架是否可以具有与 Firebase 类似的功能集?或者 Firebase 是否以某种应用外部的方式集成到 Android 操作系统中?
If the Firebase package is not included with the app by default, could creating / using a custom framework have a similar feature set as Firebase? Or is Firebase integrated within the Android Operating System in some way that is external from an app?
所以这取决于你的要求.因此,如果您只想发送普通通知,那么我真的可以推荐 PushBots.
So it depends on your requirements. So if you want to just send normal notifications, then I can really recommend the PushBots.
但如果你想创建额外的功能,比如不可见的数据负载,你可能必须使用 FCM.
But if you want to create extra features like invisible data payload, you probaly have to use FCM.
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