AWS DynamoDB 批量获取请求 - iOS

本文介绍了AWS DynamoDB 批量获取请求 - iOS的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我可以对 AWS dynamoDB 中的单个表执行简单的 Get 请求,但是当我将其扩展为跨多个表的批处理请求时,我继续收到错误

I can perform a simple Get request on a singular table within AWS dynamoDB however when I expand it to a Batch Request across multiple tables I continue to get a error

validation error detected: Value null at '' failed to satisfy constraint


I understand this as the values not being passed correctly but I can't see what the issue is with my code

//Create Request Values
AWSDynamoDBGetItemInput *getItem = [AWSDynamoDBGetItemInput new];
AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue *hashValue = [AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue new];
hashValue.S = @"User Test";
getItem.key = @{@"ripId": hashValue};

//Create Request Values 2 
AWSDynamoDBGetItemInput *getItem2 = [AWSDynamoDBGetItemInput new];
AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue *hashValue2 = [AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue new];
hashValue2.S = @"User Test";
getItem2.key = @{@"chat": hashValue2};

//Combine to Batch Request
AWSDynamoDBBatchGetItemInput * batchFetch = [AWSDynamoDBBatchGetItemInput new];
batchFetch.requestItems = @{ @"rip": getItem,
                             @"chat": getItem,};

[[dynamoDB batchGetItem:batchFetch] continueWithBlock:^id(BFTask *task) {
    if (!task.error) {

        NSLog(@"BOY SUCCES");

    } else {
        NSLog(@" NO BOY SUCCESS %@",task.error);
    return nil;

在互联网上到处搜索,但看不到使用 iOS Objective C(或 swift)的批处理请求的工作示例.

Searched the internet high and low but cannot see a working example of a batch request using iOS Objective C (or swift for that matter).

我在单个 Get 请求中测试了这两个变量,它们都可以工作.

I have tested both variables on a single Get request and they both work.


您忘记在 AWSDynamoDBKeysAndAttributes 中环绕 AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue.这是一个来自 AWSDynamoDBTests.m:

You forgot to wrap around AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue in AWSDynamoDBKeysAndAttributes. Here is a simple example from AWSDynamoDBTests.m:

AWSDynamoDBKeysAndAttributes *keysAndAttributes = [AWSDynamoDBKeysAndAttributes new];
keysAndAttributes.keys = @[@{@"hashKey" : attributeValue1},
                           @{@"hashKey" : attributeValue2}];
keysAndAttributes.consistentRead = @YES;

AWSDynamoDBBatchGetItemInput *batchGetItemInput = [AWSDynamoDBBatchGetItemInput new];
batchGetItemInput.requestItems = @{table1Name: keysAndAttributes};

这篇关于AWS DynamoDB 批量获取请求 - iOS的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:在非关键属性上查询 DynamoDB 下一篇:如何使用 Crashlytics 在崩溃后显示对话框?
