当我尝试切换模拟器的方向时,模拟器窗口旋转,模拟器屏幕的方向保持不变.谁能告诉我这是什么原因?我已经尝试了 StackOverflow 的所有答案,但似乎没有任何帮助
When i try to switch the orientation of my emulator, the emulator window rotates and the orientation of the emulator screen stays as it were. Can anyone tell me what is the reason for this?I have tried all the answers from StackOverflow and nothing seem to help
某些模拟器目标,如 4.4(API 级别 19)和 2.3 存在错误.将您的模拟器更改为目标版本 4.2 或 4.3 并尝试更改方向.
Some of the emulator targets like 4.4 (API level 19) and 2.3 have a bug. Change your emulator to target version 4.2 or 4.3 and try to change the orientation.
相关问题:Impossible to rotate the emulator with android 4.4