Google Play 服务已过时.需要 3159100 但找到 3158130

本文介绍了Google Play 服务已过时.需要 3159100 但找到 3158130的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


在 SDK 工具中,Google Play 服务已更新至修订版 9(版本 3159100),但 Google Api (API 17) 仍为修订版 3,因此仅包含 Google Play 服务版本 3158130

In SDK tools Google Play services has updated to revision 9 (version 3159100) but the Google Api's (API 17) is still revision 3 and therefore only includes Google Play Services version 3158130


LogCat 消息Google Play 服务已过时.需要 3159100 但找到 3158130

LogCat message Google Play services out of date. Requires 3159100 but found 3158130



这是当您更新到 SDK 18 (Jelly Bean 4.3) 时出现的 Google 问题(现已通过 2013 年 10 月 21 日的更新解决- 见下文) 由 Google 提供:

This is an issue with Google that arises when you update to SDK 18 (Jelly Bean 4.3) (which has now been resolved via update 21st October 2013 - see below) by Google :

如果您正在运行 Google Play 服务,它会影响 4.2.2 和 4.3 的 Google API 模拟器.

It impacts Google API emulators for both 4.2.2 and 4.3 if you are running Google Play Services.

我对解决方法或非官方"解决方案不感兴趣.这是由 Google 引起的错误,所以我将等待他们修复它.当他们这样做时,我会将这个响应变成正确的答案".

I'm not interested in a workaround or an "unofficial" solution. This is an error caused by Google and so I'm going to wait for them to fix it. When they do, I'll turn this response into a proper "answer".

这是 2013 年 7 月 26 日收到的:

This received 26th July 2013:

sba 对问题 57880 的评论 google play services更新但 AVD 没有

Comment #13 on issue 57880 by google play services updated but AVD not


We're working on this. I don't have an ETA yet other than the maddeningly vague "soon".

2013 年 8 月 1 日收到:

This received 1st August 2013:


Updates: Status: Assigned Owner:

sba 对问题 57880 的评论 google play services更新但 AVD 没有

Comment #18 on issue 57880 by google play services updated but AVD not

Play 服务团队知道此问题并正在努力解决具有高优先级.对此的修复将在同一个模拟器中进行同一时间段内的图像.抱歉我含糊其辞什么时候去出去;我不想告诉你一些事情然后让我们错过它.患病的当我知道更多时更新这个错误.

The Play Services team knows about this issue and is working on it with a high priority. The fix for this will go in the same emulator image in the same timeframe. Sorry I'm being vague about when it'll go out; I don't want to tell you something and then have us miss it. I'll update this bug when I know more.

这是此问题的最终更新(2013 年 10 月 21 日收到).这个修复在 4.3 上对我来说效果很好 - 我还没有在其他口味的果冻豆上尝试过. 10 月 21 日通过 via Oct 21


to me Updates: Status: Released

sba 对问题 57880 的评论 google play services更新但 AVD 没有

Comment #45 on issue 57880 by google play services updated but AVD not

这篇关于Google Play 服务已过时.需要 3159100 但找到 3158130的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:适用于 android 的 Visual Studio (2015) 模拟器无法正常工作 - XDE.exe - 退出代 下一篇:Android Studio - 没有互联网连接的 Android 模拟器 Wifi
