如果我有一个属性和一个用相同名称声明的 ivar:
if I have a property and an ivar declared with the same name:
在 .h 文件中:
在 .m 文件中,如果我使用 ARC,我应该使用 ivar 还是 init 方法中的属性?
in the .m file, should I use the ivar or the property in the init method if I'm using ARC?
- (id)initWithReminder:(Reminder*)reminder_ {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
reminder = reminder_;
return self;
Or should I use the property to get the benefit of the automatic reference counting like this:
- (id)initWithReminder:(Reminder*)reminder_ {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.reminder = reminder_;
return self;
I'm not sure at which point in the object's initialization the properties become accessible with the dot notation.
在部分构造的状态下使用直接访问,不管 ARC:
Use direct access in partially constructed states, regardless of ARC:
- (id)initWithReminder:(Reminder*)reminder_ {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
reminder = reminder_;
// OR
reminder = [reminder_ retain];
return self;
这是因为 self.whatever
会触发其他副作用,例如 Key-Value Observing (KVO) 通知,或者您的类实现(显式)或子类覆盖 setWhatever:
——这可能会将你部分初始化的实例暴露给其他 API(包括它自己的),这些 API 正确地假设它们正在处理一个完全构造的对象.
This is because self.whatever
will trigger other side effects, such as Key-Value Observing (KVO) notifications, or maybe your class implements (explicitly) or a subclass overrides setWhatever:
-- and that could expose your partially initialized instance to other APIs (including its own), which rightly assume they are dealing with a fully constructed object.
You could manually verify that a class is capable of operating in a partially initialized state, but that requires a lot maintenance and is (frankly) impractical or impossible when other people want to subclass your class. It requires a lot of time and maintenance, and there isn't substantiative benefit doing so, especially if you try to use the approach as a convention.
So the uniform manner which guarantees correctness is to use direct access in partially constructed states, and avoid using the accessors.
Note: I am using "partially constructed" because initialization is only half of the picture; -dealloc
has similar caveats.
关于为什么应该在部分构造状态 (ARC || MRC) 中使用直接访问的更多详细信息可以在此处找到:初始化属性,点表示法
Some more detail as to why you should use direct access in partially constructed states (ARC || MRC) can be found here: Initializing a property, dot notation
这篇关于我应该在 ARC 的 init 方法中引用 self.property 吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!