我开始开发一个新应用,我想使用所有新的 iOS5 功能(包括情节提要),但我害怕将我的应用仅限于 iOS5 用户.
I started working on a new app and I wanted to use all of the new iOS5 features (including storyboard) but I'm afraid to limit my app to iOS5 users only.
我找不到有关 iOS5 使用 VS iOS<5 使用的任何信息.
I couldn't find any information about iOS5 usage VS iOS<5 usage.
如果你能给我一些研究数据或者给我一个关于只做 iOS5 开发的建议,我将永远感激不尽 :)
If you could point me to some research data or give me an advice about going for iOS5 only development, I would be forever grateful :)
http://david-smith.org/iosversionstats/ 有一些数据(截至 2013 年 4 月)是最新的.
http://david-smith.org/iosversionstats/ has some data that is (as of Apr 2013) are bang up to date.
该数据显示,iOS 6 正式发布 1.5 周后,已经达到 38%.目前(2013年4月)显示iOS 6已经达到89.1%.
That data showed that 1.5 weeks after formal release, iOS 6 had already reached 38%. Currently (Apr 2013) it shows that iOS 6 has reached 89.1%.
更新 - 2013 年 6 月
Apple 现在还在其开发者门户中添加了一些统计数据,这些数据显示了访问 appstore 的设备在截至 2013 年 6 月 3 日的 14 天内 iOS 6 为 93%,iOS5 为 6%,iOS 更早版本为 1%.(2013 年 11 月:此链接似乎不再有效 - 我找不到当前链接.)
Apple have now also added some stats to their developer portal, these show the devices accessing the appstore and for a 14 day period ending June 3, 2013 iOS 6 was 93%, iOS5 6% and earlier iOS versions 1%. (Nov 2013: this link doesn't seem to work anymore - I can't find a current link.)
更新 - 2013 年 11 月
Mixpanel 趋势有一个图表显示 iOS 7 采用率一个>
Mixpanel trends have a graph showing iOS 7 adoption rate
更新 - 2013 年 12 月
Apple 的统计数据又回来了(在新的 URL 上).
Apple's stats are back (at a new URL).
他们目前显示 iOS 7 74%、iOS 6 22% 和早期"4% - 根据 App Store 在截至 12 月 1 日的 7 天内测量.(即 iOS 7 公开发布后大约 2 个月.)
They're currently show iOS 7 74%, iOS 6 22%, and 'earlier' 4% - as measured by the App Store in 7 days ending 1st December. (ie. approx 2 months after the public release of iOS 7.)
这篇关于最新的 iOS 版本分配百分比?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!