iOS6 中未调用 shouldAutoRotate 方法

本文介绍了iOS6 中未调用 shouldAutoRotate 方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个 UIViewController 详细视图,它是从 UINavigationController 中的 UITableView 推送的.在 UIViewController 我添加了一些子视图(例如 UITextViewUIImageView).

I have a UIViewController detail view which is pushed from a UITableView in a UINavigationController. In the UIViewController I add a number of subviews (e.g a UITextView, UIImageView).

iOS5 中,如果我的图片视图被放大,我使用此代码停止自动旋转:

In iOS5 I used this code to stop autorotation if my picture view was enlarged :

- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation
// Return YES for supported orientations
if (scrollView.isZoomed) {
    return NO;
else {
    return YES;


我正在尝试在 iOS6 下使用:

I am trying to achieve the same thing under iOS6 using :

- (BOOL)shouldAutorotate {
return FALSE;


However this method is never called and the app continues rotating.



如果您有管理这些视图的导航控制器,则不会调用 shouldAutorotate 方法.您必须继承 UINavigationController 并覆盖方法 shouldAutorotatesupportedIntervalOrientations.

If you have a Navigation Controller managing these views, the shouldAutorotate method won't be called. You would have to subclass UINavigationController and override methods shouldAutorotate and supportedIntervalOrientations.


现在,iOS 容器(例如 UINavigationController)不会咨询它们的子容器来确定它们是否应该自动旋转

Now, iOS containers (such as UINavigationController) do not consult their children to determine whether they should autorotate


正如 Lomax 下面提到的,Apple 不鼓励子类化 UINavigationController.您应该尝试一个类别(this SO question解释得很好):

As mentioned below by Lomax, subclassing UINavigationController is discouraged by Apple. You should try a category instead (this SO question explains it well):

@implementation UINavigationController 
    // your code



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上一篇:performSegueWithIdentifier 不起作用 下一篇:UITextField : 限制输入时允许的最大值(数字)
