Is it currently possible to create an app that "reminds me when I get to work, Siri" right now ? Or the app needs to be running to apply geofencing ?
是的,可以通过使用 CLLocationManager 的 startMonitoringForRegion当进入/离开某个围栏"地理区域时,它将调用您的应用程序.
Yes, it is possible by using the CLLocationManager's startMonitoringForRegion which will call your App when entered/left a certain "fenced" geo-area.
但是因为用户的位置被/将被使用,只要这个调用被取消(通过匹配的 stopMonitoringForRegion),位置图标就会出现
BUT since the user's location is/will be used, the location icon will appear for as long as this call has yet been canceled (by the matching stopMonitoringForRegion)
(在 iOS6 上,此图标将被替换为区域"位置的不同位置图标,而不是常规位置使用 - 看起来像当前图标的轮廓)
(on iOS6 this icon will be replaced with a different location icon for "regional" location instead of regular location use - looks like an outline of the current icon)
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