我使用 AlertDialog.Builder 创建了一个 AlertDialog,但对话框边框在屏幕上占用了太多空间.如何删除边框?我曾尝试使用另一个 Activity 来模拟具有透明背景的对话框,但该对话框被重复使用,并且每次创建一个新 Activity 都会引入大量延迟.
I have created an AlertDialog using AlertDialog.Builder, but the Dialog border takes up too much space on the screen. How do I remove the border? I have tried using another Activity to emulate the dialog with a transparent background, but the dialog is used repeatedly, and creating a new Activity every time introduces a significant amount of lag.
这里的答案提到它可以在 ApiDemos 中找到,但我似乎找不到.
The answer from here mentions that it can be found in the ApiDemos, but i can't seem to find it.
好吧,我会回答我自己的问题.基本上,不是使用 AlertDialog.Builder,而是使用它的构造函数创建一个常规 Dialog,并使用合适的主题而不是默认的 Dialog 主题.
Alright, I'll answer my own question. Basically, instead of using AlertDialog.Builder, create a regular Dialog using it's constructor, and use a suitable theme instead of the default Dialog theme.
So your code would look something like this:
Dialog dialog = new Dialog(this, android.R.style.Theme_Translucent_NoTitleBar);
Hope this helps someone else.
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