也许这是一个愚蠢的问题,但如果不是创建方法,我无法猜测如何解决它.也许有一种自然的方式"可以做到这一点,例如在 C 中.问题来了:
Maybe this is a silly question, but I cannot guess how to solve it if it's not creating a method. Maybe there's a "natural way" to do it, like in C for example. Here's the problem:
double a;
我只想用 2 或 3 位小数显示它.当我尝试展示它时:
And I want to show it only with 2 or 3 decimals. When I try to show it:
Text.setText("Value of a: " + String.valueOf(a));
a 的值:5.234966145
Value of a: 5.234966145
a 的值:5.23
在不改变 a 的实际值的情况下,它显示的是近似数,但适用于实数.
Without changing the real value of a so it shows the approximate number but works with the real number.
yourTextView.setText(String.format("Value of a: %.2f", a));