Activity 启动时显示软键盘

本文介绍了Activity 启动时显示软键盘的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我有 2 个活动,A 和 B.当 A 启动时,它会检查一个条件,如果为真,它会调用 startActivityForResult() 来启动 B.B 只接受文本输入,所以这是有意义的B启动时软键盘自动弹出.当活动开始时,EditText 已经有了焦点并准备好输入.

I have 2 activities, A and B. When A starts, it checks for a condition and if true, it calls startActivityForResult() to start B. B only takes text input so it makes sense for the soft keyboard to automatically pop up when B start. When the activity starts, the EditText already has focus and it ready for input.

问题是键盘永远不会出现,即使在清单中为 B 的 <activity> 标记下设置了 windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysVisible".我也尝试将值设置为 stateVisible.由于它不会自动显示,我必须点击 EditText 以使其显示.

The problem is that the keyboard never shows up, even with windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysVisible" set in the manifest under the <activity> tag for B. I also tried with the value set to stateVisible. Since it doesn't show up automatically, I have to tap the EditText to make it show.


Anyone know what the solution might be?


最适合我的是在 Android Manifest 中添加活动 B

What worked best for me is in Android Manifest for activity B adding



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上一篇:UIWebView 键盘 - 摆脱“上一个/下一个/完成"酒吧 下一篇:带有“上一个"的工具栏和“下一个"用于键盘输入AccessoryView

