获取 iPhone GO 按钮以提交表单

本文介绍了获取 iPhone GO 按钮以提交表单的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


是否有人知道表单中有哪些变量可以使 iPhone 的虚拟键盘的 GO 按钮提交表单而不是提交表单?

Is anyone aware of what variables go into a form to make the iPhones virtual keyboard's GO button submit the form vs. not?


I've been trying to narrow down the scenarios and this is what I've found:

  • 如果FORM只有一个用户输入框,go按钮自动提交表单

  • if FORM has only one user input field, go button automatically submits form

如果 FORM 有多个用户输入字段,但没有 INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" 则 GO 按钮不会提交表单.

if FORM has more than one user input field, but no INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" then the GO button does not submit the form.

如果 FORM 有多个用户输入字段并且有 INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" 则 go 按钮会提交表单.

if FORM has more than one user input field AND has an INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" then the go button does submit the form.

但是,这并不完全准确,因为我们遇到了第 3 次不适合我们的情况.

However, that's not completely accurate, as we're running into a situation the 3rd isn't working for us.

是否有人知道 GO 按钮工作与不工作的其他因素?

Is anyone aware of the other factors that go into the GO button working vs. not working?



So, here was our specific issue:

我们有一个包含多个用户输入字段的表单,但不是真正的 <input type="submit">(它是通过 JS 提交的).

We had a form with multiple user input fields, but not a true <input type="submit"> (it was being submitted via JS).

因此,GO 按钮什么也没做.

As such, the GO button did nothing.

然后我们添加了一个 <input type="submit"> 并将其设置为 display: none 希望这样可以解决问题.不.没用.

We then added an <input type="submit"> and set it to display: none hoping that would do the trick. Nope. Didn't work.

一时兴起,我们将 display: none 改为 margin-left: -1000px

On a whim, we changed display: none to margin-left: -1000px


显然,Safari 正在寻找表单中是否存在 SUBMIT 按钮,并且只有当它没有显示:none 时,它才会在您点击 GO 按钮时触发它.

Apparently, Safari is looking for the presence of a SUBMIT button in the form and only if it's not display: none, it will then fire it when you hit the GO button.

这篇关于获取 iPhone GO 按钮以提交表单的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:更新到 Android Build Tools 25.1.6 GCM/FCM 后出现 IncompatibleClass 下一篇:如何更改 android 软键盘按键的背景颜色?

